Files | |
AsyMB.cpp | |
Functions to do Asy. | |
ChengWu.cpp | |
Functions to use Cheng-Wu theorem to make F-term positive. | |
CIPrepares.cpp | |
Functions for Contour/Integration Preparation. | |
Contours.cpp | |
Functions for Contour Deformation. | |
CppFormat.cpp | |
Format for C++ code. | |
cseParser.cpp | |
Functions for C++ code generation for Numerical Integration. | |
ErrMin.cpp | |
Functions for Fine Tunning of lambda. | |
ExFormat.cpp | |
Format for C++ code. | |
Functions.cpp | |
Functions for SD. | |
HCubature.cpp | |
Numerical Integrator using HCubature. | |
HCubatureMP.cpp | |
Numerical Integrator using HCubature. | |
Helpers.cpp | |
Helpers Functions for SD. | |
HookeJeeves.cpp | |
HookeJeeves to find a minimum. | |
InitEval.cpp | |
Functions for Initialize and Evaluate. | |
Integrates.cpp | |
Functions for Numerical Integration. | |
KillPowers.cpp | |
Functions to Kill terms like (a xi - b xj )^n. | |
Lib3_GaussKronrod.h | |
Lib3_GK.h | |
QuadMP.cpp | |
Numerical Integrator using QuadMP. | |
SD.h | |
SecDec header file. | |
SecDec.cpp | |
Basic Functions for SecDec. | |
SecDecG.cpp | |
SecDec using Geometric method. | |
TanhSinhMP.cpp | |
Numerical Integrator using TanhSinhMP. | |