No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
6#include "SD.h"
7#include <math.h>
8#include <cmath>
10namespace HepLib::SD {
17 void SecDec::Contours(const string & key, const string & pkey) {
18 if(IsZero) return;
19 if(Minimizer==NULL) Minimizer = new HookeJeeves();
21 if(key != "") {
23 ostringstream garfn;
24 garfn << key << ".ci.gar";
25 archive ar;
26 ifstream in(garfn.str());
27 in >> ar;
28 in.close();
29 auto c = ar.unarchive_ex("c");
30 if(c!=19790923) throw Error("Contours: *.ci.gar error!");
31 FT_N_XN = ex_to<lst>(ar.unarchive_ex("ftnxn"));
33 }
35 //change 2->1 from GiNaC 1.7.7
36 if(FT_N_XN.nops()<1) return;
37 if(Verbose > 0) cout << Color_HighLight << " Contours @ " << now() << RESET << endl;
39 exvector ftnxn_vec;
40 //change 1->0 from GiNaC 1.7.7
41 for(int i=0; i<FT_N_XN.nops(); i++) ftnxn_vec.push_back(FT_N_XN.op(i));
43 auto pid = getpid();
44 ostringstream cmd;
45 cmd << "mkdir -p " << pid;
46 if(!dir_exists(to_string(pid))) auto rc = system(cmd.str().c_str());
48 ostringstream fsofn;
49 if(key != "") {
50 fsofn << key << "F.so";
51 } else {
52 fsofn << pid << "F.so";
53 }
54 void* module = dlopen(fsofn.str().c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
55 if (module == nullptr) {
56 module = dlopen(("./"+fsofn.str()).c_str(), RTLD_NOW);
57 if (module == nullptr) {
58 cerr << ErrColor << "Contours: could not open compiled module!" << RESET << endl;
59 cout << "dlerror(): " << dlerror() << endl;
60 exit(1);
61 }
62 }
64 GiNaC_Parallel_NP["LAS"]=0;
65 GiNaC_Parallel_RM["LAS"] = !Debug;
66 auto res =
67 GiNaC_Parallel(ftnxn_vec.size(), [&ftnxn_vec,this,module](int idx)->ex {
68 // return lst{ ft_n, lst{lambda-i, lambda-max} }
69 // with I*[lambda-i]*lambda, lambda < lambda-max
70 // note that lambda sequence only matches to x sequence in F-term
71 if(Verbose>5) cout << " λ: " << idx << " / " << ftnxn_vec.size() << flush;
72 auto ftnxn = ftnxn_vec[idx];
73 int npara = -1;
74 for(auto kv : Parameter) if(npara<kv.first) npara = kv.first;
75 dREAL paras[npara+1];
76 lst plRepl;
77 for(auto kv : Parameter) {
78 paras[kv.first] = (dREAL)ex2q(kv.second);
79 plRepl.append(PL(kv.first)==kv.second);
80 }
82 auto ft = ftnxn.op(0);
83 ft = ft.subs(plRepl);
84 if(xSign(ft)>0 || CTLaMax<0) {
85 if(Verbose>5) {
86 cout << "\r \r";
87 cout << " λ: xSign>0 or CTLaMax<0, back to REAL mode!" << endl;
88 }
89 return lst{ ftnxn.op(1), 1979 }; // ft_id, las
90 }
92 int nvars = ex_to<numeric>(ftnxn.op(2)).to_int();
93 ostringstream fname;
95 if(CTMaxF) {
96 MinimizeBase::FunctionType fp = NULL, fp2 = NULL;
97 fname.clear();
98 fname.str("");
99 fname << "minF_"<<ftnxn.op(1);
100 fp = (MinimizeBase::FunctionType)dlsym(module, fname.str().c_str());
101 fname.clear();
102 fname.str("");
103 fname << "minFM_"<<ftnxn.op(1);
104 fp2 = (MinimizeBase::FunctionType)dlsym(module, fname.str().c_str());
105 if(fp==NULL || fp2==NULL) {
106 cerr << ErrColor << "Contours: fp==NULL/fp2==NULL" << RESET << endl;
107 cout << "dlerror(): " << dlerror() << endl;
108 exit(1);
109 }
111 dREAL maxf = Minimizer->FindMinimum(nvars, fp, paras);
112 if(maxf>0) {
113 if(Verbose>5) {
114 cout << "\r \r";
115 cout << " λ: F>0 is Found, back to REAL mode!" << endl;
116 }
117 return lst{ ftnxn.op(1), 1979 }; // ft_id, las
118 }
120 maxf = Minimizer->FindMinimum(nvars, fp2, paras);
121 if(maxf>0) {
122 if(Verbose>5) {
123 cout << "\r \r";
124 cout << " λ: F<0 is Found, back to REAL mode!" << endl;
125 }
126 return lst{ ftnxn.op(1), 1979 }; // ft_id, las
127 }
128 }
130 dREAL nlas[nvars];
131 dREAL max_df = -1, max_f;
132 for(int i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
134 fname.clear();
135 fname.str("");
136 fname << "dirC_"<<ftnxn.op(1)<<"_"<<i;
137 dfp = (MinimizeBase::FunctionType)dlsym(module, fname.str().c_str());
138 if(dfp==NULL) {
139 cerr << ErrColor << "Contours: dfp==NULL" << RESET << endl;
140 cout << "dlerror(): " << dlerror() << endl;
141 exit(1);
142 }
144 dREAL maxdf = Minimizer->FindMinimum(nvars, dfp, paras);
145 maxdf = -maxdf;
146 nlas[i] = maxdf;
147 if(max_df<maxdf) max_df = maxdf;
148 }
150 for(int i=0; i<nvars; i++) { // From FIESTA
151 if(nlas[i] < 1) nlas[i] = 1;
152 else nlas[i] = 1/nlas[i];
153 }
155 lst las;
156 for(int i=0; i<nvars; i++) {
157 las.append(q2ex(nlas[i]));
158 }
161 fname.clear();
162 fname.str("");
163 fname << "imgF_"<<ftnxn.op(1);
164 fp = (MinimizeBase::FunctionType)dlsym(module, fname.str().c_str());
165 if(fp==NULL) {
166 cerr << ErrColor << "Contours: fp==NULL" << RESET << endl;
167 cout << "dlerror(): " << dlerror() << endl;
168 exit(1);
169 }
171 dREAL laBegin = 0, laEnd = CTLaMax, min;
172 dREAL UB[nvars+1];
173 for(int i=0; i<nvars+1; i++) UB[i] = 1;
175 min = laEnd;
176 while(true) {
177 UB[nvars] = min;
178 dREAL res = Minimizer->FindMinimum(nvars+1, fp, paras, nlas, UB, NULL, NULL, true, CTTryPTS, CTSavePTS);
179 if(res < -1E-5) laEnd = min;
180 else laBegin = min;
182 if(laEnd < 1E-10) {
183 cout << "\r \r";
184 cout << " λ: " << ErrColor << "too small lambda!" << RESET << endl;
185 break;
186 }
188 if(laEnd-laBegin <= 0.01*laEnd) break;
189 min = (laBegin + laEnd) / 2.0;
190 }
191 min = laBegin;
193 las.append(q2ex(min));
194 if(Verbose>5) {
195 cout << "\r \r";
196 cout << " λ: " << NN(las,3) << endl;
197 }
199 return lst{ ftnxn.op(1), las }; // ft_id, las
201 }, "LAS");
203 if(use_dlclose) dlclose(module);
205 ostringstream garfn;
206 if(key != "") {
207 garfn << key;
208 if(pkey != "") garfn << "-" << pkey;
209 garfn << ".las.gar";
210 lst gar_res;
211 for(auto &item : res) gar_res.append(item);
212 archive ar;
213 ar.archive_ex(gar_res, "res");
214 ar.archive_ex(19790923, "c");
215 ofstream out(garfn.str());
216 out << ar;
217 out.close();
218 } else {
219 for(auto &item : res) LambdaMap[item.op(0)] = item.op(1);
220 }
222 cmd.clear();
223 cmd.str("");
224 cmd << "rm -rf " << pid;
225 if(!Debug) auto rc = system(cmd.str().c_str());
226 }
#define RESET
Definition BASIC.h:79
SecDec header file.
class used to wrap error message
Definition BASIC.h:242
class to minimize a function using HookeJeeves
Definition SD.h:280
virtual dREAL FindMinimum(int nvars, FunctionType func, dREAL *PL=NULL, dREAL *las=NULL, dREAL *UB=NULL, dREAL *LB=NULL, dREAL *IP=NULL, bool compare0=false, int TryPTS=0, int SavePTS=0)=0
dREAL(* FunctionType)(int nvars, dREAL *x, dREAL *pl, dREAL *las)
Definition SD.h:270
Definition SD.h:448
MinimizeBase * Minimizer
Definition SD.h:431
void Contours(const string &key="", const string &pkey="")
Contours, note that here we need to provide the specific Parameter.
Definition Contours.cpp:17
namespace for Numerical integration with Sector Decomposition method
Definition AsyMB.cpp:10
long double dREAL
Definition SD.h:121
const char * Color_HighLight
Definition BASIC.cpp:248
void reset_precision()
Definition BASIC.cpp:2323
ex q2ex(__float128 num)
__float128 to ex
Definition BASIC.cpp:867
int NNDigits
Definition Init.cpp:158
ex NN(ex expr, int digits)
the nuerical evaluation
Definition BASIC.cpp:1278
map< string, bool > GiNaC_Parallel_RM
Definition Init.cpp:151
const char * ErrColor
Definition BASIC.cpp:246
string now(bool use_date)
date/time string
Definition BASIC.cpp:525
bool Debug
Definition Init.cpp:144
map< string, int > GiNaC_Parallel_NP
Definition Init.cpp:147
int Verbose
Definition Init.cpp:142
bool dir_exists(string dir)
Definition BASIC.h:297
void set_precision(long prec, bool push)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2314
int xSign(ex const expr)
the always sign for expr
Definition BASIC.cpp:1312
exvector GiNaC_Parallel(int ntotal, std::function< ex(int)> f, const string &key)
GiNaC Parallel Evaluation using fork.
Definition BASIC.cpp:260