No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
6#pragma once
8#include <ginac/ginac.h>
9#include <ginac/parser.h>
10#include <stdlib.h>
11#include <unistd.h>
12#include <stdio.h>
13#include <chrono>
14#include <fstream>
15#include <tuple>
16#include <list>
17#include <omp.h>
18#include <sys/wait.h>
19#include <sys/stat.h>
21#define DEFAULT_CTOR(classname) \
22classname::classname() { setflag(status_flags::evaluated | status_flags::expanded); }
24#define IMPLEMENT_HAS(classname) \
25bool classname::has(const ex &e) { \
26 for(const_preorder_iterator i = e.preorder_begin(); i != e.preorder_end(); ++i) if(is_a<classname>(*i)) return true; \
27 return false; \
30#define IMPLEMENT_ALL(classname) \
31lst classname::all(const ex &e) { \
32 lst ret;\
33 for(const_preorder_iterator i = e.preorder_begin(); i != e.preorder_end(); ++i) if(is_a<classname>(*i)) ret.append(*i); \
34 ret.sort(); \
35 ret.unique(); \
36 return ret; \
42namespace HepLib {
44 using namespace std;
45 using namespace GiNaC;
47 typedef std::initializer_list<ex> init_list;
48 extern string Version;
49 extern unsigned nopat;
51 inline ex subs(const ex & e, init_list sl) {
52 return e.subs(lst(sl));
53 }
55 inline bool has_any(ex expr, lst ps) {
56 for(auto pi : ps) if(expr.has(pi)) return true;
57 return false;
58 }
59 inline bool has_all(ex expr, lst ps) {
60 for(auto pi : ps) if(!expr.has(pi)) return false;
61 return true;
62 }
64 inline bool is_equal_any(ex expr, lst ps) {
65 for(auto pi : ps) if(expr.is_equal(pi)) return true;
66 return false;
67 }
69 inline bool match_any(ex expr, lst ps) {
70 for(auto pi : ps) if(expr.match(pi)) return true;
71 return false;
72 }
73 inline bool match_all(ex expr, lst ps) {
74 for(auto pi : ps) if(!expr.match(pi)) return false;
75 return true;
76 }
78 // Terminal Color
79 #define RESET "\033[0m"
80 #define BLACK "\033[30m"
81 #define RED "\033[31m"
82 #define GREEN "\033[32m"
83 #define YELLOW "\033[33m"
84 #define BLUE "\033[34m"
85 #define MAGENTA "\033[35m"
86 #define CYAN "\033[36m"
87 #define WHITE "\033[37m"
88 #define BOLDBLACK "\033[1m\033[30m"
89 #define BOLDRED "\033[1m\033[31m"
90 #define BOLDGREEN "\033[1m\033[32m"
91 #define BOLDYELLOW "\033[1m\033[33m"
92 #define BOLDBLUE "\033[1m\033[34m"
93 #define BOLDMAGENTA "\033[1m\033[35m"
94 #define BOLDCYAN "\033[1m\033[36m"
95 #define BOLDWHITE "\033[1m\033[37m"
97 extern const int o_none;
98 extern const int o_normal;
99 extern const int o_fermat;
100 extern const int o_fermatfD;
101 extern const int o_fermatN;
102 extern const int o_form;
103 extern const int o_flint;
104 extern const int o_flintf;
105 extern const int o_flintfD;
106 extern const int o_normal_fermat;
107 extern const int o_normal_form;
108 extern const int o_fermat_form;
113 class Symbol : public symbol {
115 private:
116 static GiNaC::registered_class_info reg_info;
117 public:
118 static GiNaC::registered_class_info &get_class_info_static();
119 class visitor {
120 public:
121 virtual void visit(const Symbol &) = 0; // classname
122 virtual ~visitor();
123 };
124 template<class B, typename... Args> friend B & dynallocate(Args &&... args);
125 typedef symbol inherited; // supername
126 Symbol(); // classname
127 Symbol * duplicate() const override; // classname
128 void accept(GiNaC::visitor & v) const override;
129 const GiNaC::registered_class_info &get_class_info() const override;
130 GiNaC::registered_class_info &get_class_info() override;
131 const char *class_name() const override;
132 protected:
133 int compare_same_type(const GiNaC::basic & other) const override;
136 public:
137 explicit Symbol(const string &s);
138 void archive(archive_node & n) const override;
139 void read_archive(const archive_node& n) override;
141 //bool info(unsigned inf) const override;
142 ex eval() const override; // for performance reasons
143 ex evalf() const override; // for performance reasons
144 ex series(const relational & s, int order, unsigned options = 0) const override;
145 ex subs(const exmap & m, unsigned options = 0) const override { return subs_one_level(m, options); } // overwrites basic::subs() for performance reasons
146 //ex normal(exmap & repl, exmap & rev_lookup, lst & modifier) const override;
147 //ex to_rational(exmap & repl) const override;
148 //ex to_polynomial(exmap & repl) const override;
149 //bool is_polynomial(const ex & var) const override;
151 ex conjugate() const override;
152 ex real_part() const override;
153 ex imag_part() const override;
154 void set_name(string n);
156 unsigned get_domain() const override { return domain::positive; }
158 static bool has(const ex &e);
159 static lst all(const ex &e);
160 static std::map<std::string, ex> Table;
162 void set(const ex & v) const;
163 void unset() const;
165 unsigned get_serial() { return serial; }
167 static exmap vmap;
168 static void set(const Symbol & s, const ex & v);
169 static void set(const string & str, const ex & v);
170 static void unset(const Symbol &s);
171 static void unset(const string &str);
172 static void unset_all();
173 static ex set_all(const ex & expr);
174 protected:
175 unsigned calchash() const override;
176 ex derivative(const symbol & s) const override;
177 bool is_equal_same_type(const basic & other) const override;
178 };
183 class iSymbol : public symbol {
185 private:
186 static GiNaC::registered_class_info reg_info;
187 public:
188 static GiNaC::registered_class_info &get_class_info_static();
189 class visitor {
190 public:
191 virtual void visit(const iSymbol &) = 0; // classname
192 virtual ~visitor();
193 };
194 template<class B, typename... Args> friend B & dynallocate(Args &&... args);
195 typedef symbol inherited; // supername
196 iSymbol(); // classname
197 iSymbol * duplicate() const override; // classname
198 void accept(GiNaC::visitor & v) const override;
199 const GiNaC::registered_class_info &get_class_info() const override;
200 GiNaC::registered_class_info &get_class_info() override;
201 const char *class_name() const override;
202 protected:
203 int compare_same_type(const GiNaC::basic & other) const override;
206 public:
207 iSymbol(const string &s);
208 void archive(archive_node & n) const override;
209 void read_archive(const archive_node& n) override;
211 unsigned get_domain() const override { return domain::complex; }
213 //bool info(unsigned inf) const override;
214 ex eval() const override; // for performance reasons
215 ex evalf() const override; // for performance reasons
216 ex series(const relational & s, int order, unsigned options = 0) const override;
217 ex subs(const exmap & m, unsigned options = 0) const override { return subs_one_level(m, options); } // overwrites basic::subs() for performance reasons
218 //ex normal(exmap & repl, exmap & rev_lookup, lst & modifier) const override;
219 //ex to_rational(exmap & repl) const override;
220 //ex to_polynomial(exmap & repl) const override;
221 //bool is_polynomial(const ex & var) const override;
223 ex conjugate() const override;
224 ex real_part() const override;
225 ex imag_part() const override;
226 void set_name(string n);
228 static bool has(const ex &e);
229 static lst all(const ex &e);
230 static std::map<std::string, ex> Table;
232 protected:
233 unsigned calchash() const override;
234 ex derivative(const symbol & s) const override;
235 bool is_equal_same_type(const basic & other) const override;
236 };
242 class Error : public exception {
243 public:
244 string msg;
245 const char * what() const throw ();
246 Error(string _msg);
247 };
249 vector<std::string> split(const string& s, char delimiter);
255 class lstHelper {
256 public:
257 template <typename F> static void map_inplace(lst &m, F f);
258 template <typename F> static lst map(const lst &m, F f);
259 static ex sum(lst m);
260 };
262 template <typename F>
263 void lstHelper::map_inplace(lst &m, F f) {
264 for (unsigned i = 0; i < m.nops(); i++) {
265 m.let_op(i) = f(m.op(i));
266 }
267 }
269 template <typename F>
270 lst lstHelper::map(const lst &m, F f) {
271 lst r = m;
272 for (unsigned i = 0; i < m.nops(); i++) {
273 r.let_op(i) = f(m.op(i));
274 }
275 return r;
276 }
278 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
279 // Global Functions
280 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
281 string now(bool use_date = true);
282 lst gather_symbols(const ex & e);
283 lst gather_symbols(const exvector & ve);
285 inline bool file_remove(string fn) {
286 return remove(fn.c_str())==0;
287 }
289 inline bool file_exists(string fn) {
290 return (access(fn.c_str(),F_OK)!=-1);
291 }
293 inline bool key_exists(const exmap &map, const ex & key) {
294 return (map.find(key)!=map.end());
295 }
297 inline bool dir_exists(string dir) {
298 struct stat buffer;
299 return (stat(dir.c_str(), &buffer)==0);
300 }
302 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
303 // vector : GiNaC_Parallel
304 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
305 extern bool In_GiNaC_Parallel;
306 extern int GiNaC_Parallel_Process;
307 extern map<string, int> GiNaC_Parallel_Verb;
308 extern map<string, int> GiNaC_Parallel_NP;
309 extern int GiNaC_Parallel_Batch;
310 extern map<string,int> GiNaC_Parallel_NB;
311 extern map<string,bool> GiNaC_Parallel_RM;
312 extern map<string,bool> GiNaC_Parallel_ReWR;
313 extern map<string,string> GiNaC_Parallel_PRE;
314 exvector GiNaC_Parallel(int ntotal, std::function<ex(int)> f, const string & key = "");
316 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
317 // Helpers
318 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
319 string RunOS(const string & cmd);
320 void garRead(const string &garfn, map<string, ex> &resMap);
321 ex garRead(const string &garfn, const char* key);
322 ex garRead(const string &garfn);
323 void garWrite(const string &garfn, const map<string, ex> &resMap);
324 inline void garWrite(const map<string, ex> &resMap, const string &garfn) { garWrite(garfn,resMap); }
325 void garWrite(const string &garfn, const ex & res);
326 inline void garWrite(const ex & res, const string &garfn) { garWrite(garfn,res); }
328 ex str2ex(const string &expr, symtab stab);
329 ex str2ex(const string &expr);
330 lst str2lst(const string &expr, symtab stab);
331 lst str2lst(const string &expr);
332 matrix lst2mat(const lst & ls);
333 string file2str(string filename);
334 void str2file(const string & ostr, string filename);
335 void str2file(char * buff, FILE* f);
336 vector<string> file2strvec(string filename, bool skip_empty=false);
337 ex file2ex(string filename);
338 ex file2ex(string filename, symtab st);
339 int ex2int(ex);
340 void ex2file(const ex &, string filename);
341 void ex2file(string filename, const ex &);
342 string ex2str(const ex &expr);
343 string ex2str(const exvector &expr);
344 string ex2str(const exmap &expr);
345 string ex2str(const exset &expr);
346 inline string in2str(int i) { return to_string(i); }
347 ex q2ex(__float128);
348 __float128 ex2q(ex);
349 lst vec2lst(const exvector & ev);
350 exvector lst2vec(const lst & alst);
351 lst add2lst(const ex & expr);
352 lst mul2lst(const ex & expr);
353 lst xlst(int ei);
354 lst xlst(int bi, int ei);
355 int CpuCores();
357 void let_op_append(ex & ex_in, const ex item);
358 void let_op_prepend(ex & ex_in, const ex item);
359 void let_op_remove_last(ex & ex_in);
360 void let_op_remove_first(ex & ex_in);
362 void let_op_append(ex & ex_in, int index, const ex item);
363 void let_op_prepend(ex & ex_in, int index, const ex item);
364 void let_op_remove_last(ex & ex_in, int index);
365 void let_op_remove_first(ex & ex_in, int index);
366 void let_op_append(lst & ex_in, int index, const ex item);
367 void let_op_prepend(lst & ex_in, int index, const ex item);
368 void let_op_remove_last(lst & ex_in, int index);
369 void let_op_remove_first(lst & ex_in, int index);
371 void let_op_append(ex & ex_in, int index1, int index2, const ex item);
372 void let_op_prepend(ex & ex_in, int index1, int index2, const ex item);
373 void let_op_remove_last(ex & ex_in, int index1, int index2);
374 void let_op_remove_first(ex & ex_in, int index1, int index2);
375 void let_op_append(lst & ex_in, int index1, int index2, const ex item);
376 void let_op_prepend(lst & ex_in, int index1, int index2, const ex item);
377 void let_op_remove_last(lst & ex_in, int index1, int index2);
378 void let_op_remove_first(lst & ex_in, int index1, int index2);
380 void let_op(ex &ex_in, int index1, int index2, const ex item);
381 void let_op(lst &ex_in, int index1, int index2, const ex item);
382 void let_op(ex &ex_in, int index1, int index2, int index3, const ex item);
383 void let_op(lst &ex_in, int index1, int index2, int index3, const ex item);
385 ex get_op(const ex ex_in, int index1, int index2);
386 ex get_op(const lst ex_in, int index1, int index2);
387 ex get_op(const ex ex_in, int index1, int index2, int index3);
388 ex get_op(const lst ex_in, int index1, int index2, int index3);
390 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
391 // Series at s=0 similar to Mathematica
392 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
393 ex series_ex(ex const & expr, const symbol &s, int sn);
394 ex series_ex(ex const & expr, const ex &s, int sn);
396 ex expand_ex(const ex &expr, std::function<bool(const ex &)>);
398 inline ex expand_ex(const ex &expr) {
399 return expand_ex(expr, [](const ex & e)->bool{ return true; });
400 }
402 inline ex expand_ex(ex const &expr, lst const &pats) {
403 return expand_ex(expr, [pats](const ex & e)->bool {
404 for(auto pat : pats) { if(e.has(pat)) return true; }
405 return false;
406 });
407 }
409 inline ex expand_ex(ex const &expr, ex const &pat) {
410 return expand_ex(expr, [pat](const ex & e)->bool { return e.has(pat); });
411 }
413 ex collect_ex(const ex &expr, std::function<bool(const ex &)>, int opt=o_none);
415 inline ex collect_ex(const ex &expr, init_list const &pats, int opt=o_none) {
416 return collect_ex(expr, [pats](const ex & e)->bool {
417 for(auto pat : pats) { if(e.has(pat)) return true; }
418 return false;
419 }, opt);
420 }
422 inline ex collect_ex(const ex &expr, lst const &pats, int opt=o_none) {
423 return collect_ex(expr, [pats](const ex & e)->bool {
424 for(auto pat : pats) { if(e.has(pat)) return true; }
425 return false;
426 }, opt);
427 }
429 inline ex collect_ex(const ex &expr, ex const &pat, int opt=o_none) {
430 return collect_ex(expr, [pat](const ex & e)->bool { return e.has(pat); }, opt);
431 }
433 lst collect_lst(const ex &expr, std::function<bool(const ex &)>, int opt=o_none);
435 inline lst collect_lst(const ex &expr, init_list const &pats, int opt=o_none) {
436 return collect_lst(expr, [pats](const ex & e)->bool {
437 for(auto pat : pats) { if(e.has(pat)) return true; }
438 return false;
439 }, opt);
440 }
442 inline lst collect_lst(const ex &expr, lst const &pats, int opt=o_none) {
443 return collect_lst(expr, [pats](const ex & e)->bool {
444 for(auto pat : pats) { if(e.has(pat)) return true; }
445 return false;
446 }, opt);
447 }
449 inline lst collect_lst(const ex &expr, ex const &pat, int opt=o_none) {
450 return collect_lst(expr, [pat](const ex & e)->bool { return e.has(pat); }, opt);
451 }
453 ex diff_ex(ex const expr, ex const xp, unsigned nth=1, bool expand=false);
455 extern bool using_cache;
456 extern long long cache_limit;
457 extern int fermat_using_array;
458 ex fermat_eval(const ex & expr);
459 ex numer_denom_fermat(const ex & expr, bool dfactor=false);
460 ex numer_fermat(const ex & expr);
461 inline ex fermat_numer_denom(const ex & expr, bool dfactor=false) { return numer_denom_fermat(expr,dfactor); }
463 extern map<ex,long long,ex_is_less> fermat_weight;
464 ex normal_fermat(const ex & expr, bool dfactor=false);
465 inline ex fermat_normal(const ex & expr, bool dfactor=false) { return normal_fermat(expr,dfactor); }
467 ex normal_flint(const ex & expr, int opt=o_flint);
468 ex factor_flint(const ex & e, bool nd=true);
470 ex form_eval(const ex & expr);
471 ex factor_form(const ex & expr, bool nd=true);
472 inline ex form_factor(const ex & expr, bool nd=true) { return factor_form(expr,nd); }
474 ex exfactor(const ex & expr, int opt = o_flint);
475 ex exnormal(const ex & expr, int opt = o_flint);
476 ex exnd(const ex & expr, int opt = 1);
478 ex collect_factors(const ex & expr);
480 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
481 // EvalF/D/Q/MP
482 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
483 ex EvalF(ex);
484 ex EvalL(ex);
485 ex EvalQ(ex);
486 ex EvalMP(ex);
487 extern int NNDigits;
488 ex NN(ex expr,int digits=NNDigits);
490 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
491 // xPositive
492 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
493 bool xPositive(ex const expr);
494 int xSign(ex const expr);
496 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
497 // Global object wildcard
498 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
499 extern ex w, w0, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9;
500 extern string InstallPrefix;
501 extern string INC_FLAGS;
502 extern string LIB_FLAGS;
503 extern const iSymbol iEpsilon;
504 extern const ex iEpsilonN;
505 extern int Verbose;
506 extern string PRE;
507 extern bool Debug;
509 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
510 // Global Colors
511 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
512 extern const char* ErrColor;
513 extern const char* WarnColor;
514 extern const char* Color_HighLight;
516 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
517 // Customized GiNaC Function
518 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
523 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
525 class F1_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
526 template<typename T1>
527 inline GiNaC::function F(const T1 & p1) {
528 return GiNaC::function(F1_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1));
529 }
531 class F2_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
532 template<typename T1, typename T2>
533 inline GiNaC::function F(const T1 & p1, const T2 & p2) {
534 return GiNaC::function(F2_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1), ex(p2));
535 }
537 class WF1_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
538 template<typename T1>
539 inline GiNaC::function WF(const T1 & p1) {
540 return GiNaC::function(WF1_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1));
541 }
543 class WF2_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
544 template<typename T1, typename T2>
545 inline GiNaC::function WF(const T1 & p1, const T2 & p2) {
546 return GiNaC::function(WF2_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1), ex(p2));
547 }
549 class WF3_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
550 template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
551 inline GiNaC::function WF(const T1 & p1, const T2 & p2, const T3 & p3) {
552 return GiNaC::function(WF3_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1), ex(p2), ex(p3));
553 }
555 class WF4_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
556 template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
557 inline GiNaC::function WF(const T1 & p1, const T2 & p2, const T3 & p3, const T4 & p4) {
558 return GiNaC::function(WF4_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1), ex(p2), ex(p3), ex(p4));
559 }
561 class WF5_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
562 template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
563 inline GiNaC::function WF(const T1 & p1, const T2 & p2, const T3 & p3, const T4 & p4, const T5 & p5) {
564 return GiNaC::function(WF5_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1), ex(p2), ex(p3), ex(p4), ex(p5));
565 }
567 class iWF1_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
568 template<typename T1>
569 inline GiNaC::function iWF(const T1 & p1) {
570 return GiNaC::function(iWF1_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1));
571 }
573 class iWF2_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
574 template<typename T1, typename T2>
575 inline GiNaC::function iWF(const T1 & p1, const T2 & p2) {
576 return GiNaC::function(iWF2_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1), ex(p2));
577 }
579 class iWF3_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
580 template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3>
581 inline GiNaC::function iWF(const T1 & p1, const T2 & p2, const T3 & p3) {
582 return GiNaC::function(iWF3_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1), ex(p2), ex(p3));
583 }
585 class iWF4_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
586 template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
587 inline GiNaC::function iWF(const T1 & p1, const T2 & p2, const T3 & p3, const T4 & p4) {
588 return GiNaC::function(iWF4_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1), ex(p2), ex(p3), ex(p4));
589 }
591 class iWF5_SERIAL { public: static unsigned serial; };
592 template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4, typename T5>
593 inline GiNaC::function iWF(const T1 & p1, const T2 & p2, const T3 & p3, const T4 & p4, const T5 & p5) {
594 return GiNaC::function(iWF5_SERIAL::serial, ex(p1), ex(p2), ex(p3), ex(p4), ex(p5));
595 }
597 #endif
599 // Helper to introduce new GiNaC function
600 inline std::function<GiNaC::function(const ex &)> GiNaC_Function_1(const string name) {
601 for (auto & it : GiNaC::function::get_registered_functions()) {
602 if (it.get_name() == name) throw Error("Function named "+name+" already exists!");
603 }
604 unsigned s = GiNaC::function::register_new(function_options(name,1).do_not_evalf_params());
605 return [s](const ex &p1)->GiNaC::function { return GiNaC::function(s,p1); };
606 }
607 inline std::function<GiNaC::function(const ex &,const ex &)> GiNaC_Function_2(const string name) {
608 for (auto & it : GiNaC::function::get_registered_functions()) {
609 if (it.get_name() == name) throw Error("Function named "+name+" already exists!");
610 }
611 unsigned s = GiNaC::function::register_new(function_options(name,2).do_not_evalf_params());
612 return [s](const ex &p1,const ex &p2)->GiNaC::function { return GiNaC::function(s,p1,p2); };
613 }
614 inline std::function<GiNaC::function(const ex &,const ex &,const ex &)> GiNaC_Function_3(const string name) {
615 for (auto & it : GiNaC::function::get_registered_functions()) {
616 if (it.get_name() == name) throw Error("Function named "+name+" already exists!");
617 }
618 unsigned s = GiNaC::function::register_new(function_options(name,3).do_not_evalf_params());
619 return [s](const ex &p1,const ex &p2,const ex &p3)->GiNaC::function { return GiNaC::function(s,p1,p2,p3); };
620 }
621 inline std::function<GiNaC::function(const ex &,const ex &,const ex &,const ex &)> GiNaC_Function_4(const string name) {
622 for (auto & it : GiNaC::function::get_registered_functions()) {
623 if (it.get_name() == name) throw Error("Function named "+name+" already exists!");
624 }
625 unsigned s = GiNaC::function::register_new(function_options(name,4).do_not_evalf_params());
626 return [s](const ex &p1,const ex &p2,const ex &p3,const ex &p4)->GiNaC::function { return GiNaC::function(s,p1,p2,p4); };
627 }
632 class MapFunction : public map_function {
633 public:
634 ex operator()(const ex &e);
635 MapFunction(std::function<ex(const ex &, MapFunction &)>);
636 static ex subs(const ex & expr, const ex & pat, std::function<ex(const ex &)> f);
637 private:
638 std::function<ex(const ex &, MapFunction &)> Function;
639 };
645 class Parser {
646 public:
647 prototype_table FTable;
648 symtab STable;
649 ex Read(const string & instr,bool s2S=true);
650 ex ReadFile(string filename,bool s2S=true);
651 Parser();
652 Parser(symtab st);
653 };
655 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
656 // isFunction
657 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
658 inline bool isFunction(const ex &e, string func_name) {
659 return is_a<GiNaC::function>(e) && ex_to<GiNaC::function>(e).get_name()==func_name;
660 }
661 inline bool isFunction(const ex &e, string func_name, int nargs) {
662 return is_a<GiNaC::function>(e) && ex_to<GiNaC::function>(e).get_name()==func_name && (e.nops()-nargs)==0;
663 }
665 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
666 // hasFunction
667 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
668 inline bool has_function(const ex & expr) {
669 for(const_preorder_iterator i = expr.preorder_begin(); i != expr.preorder_end(); ++i) {
670 if(is_a<GiNaC::function>(*i)) return true;
671 }
672 return false;
673 }
675 // tree traversal
676 inline void PreTree(const ex & e, std::function<void(const ex &)> f) {
677 for(const_preorder_iterator i = e.preorder_begin(); i != e.preorder_end(); ++i) f(*i);
678 }
679 inline void PostTree(const ex & e, std::function<void(const ex &)> f) {
680 for(const_postorder_iterator i = e.postorder_begin(); i != e.postorder_end(); ++i) f(*i);
681 }
683 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
684 // string Functions
685 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
686 void string_replace_all(string &str, const string &from, const string &to);
687 void string_trim(string &str);
688 bool string_start_with(const string & fstr, const string & sstr);
689 bool string_end_with(const string & fstr, const string & estr);
690 bool string_contain(const string & fstr, const string & mstr);
692 void Combinations(int n, int m, std::function<void(const int*)> f);
693 void CombinationsR(int n, int m, std::function<void(const int*)> f);
694 void Permutations(int n, std::function<void(const int*)> f);
695 void Permutations(int n, int m, std::function<void(const int*)> f);
696 void PermutationsR(int n, int m, std::function<void(const int*)> f);
697 bool isSorted(const lst & exs);
698 bool isSorted(int n, const ex exs[]);
699 int ACSort(lst & exs);
700 int ACSort(int n, ex exs[]);
702 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
703 // Rationalize
704 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
705 void set_precision(long prec,bool push=true);
706 void reset_precision();
707 long get_precision();
708 ex Rationalize(const ex & e, int dn=Digits);
710 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
711 // sort
712 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
713 long long node_number(const ex & expr, int level=0);
714 bool ex_less(const ex &a, const ex &b);
715 void sort_lst(lst & ilst, bool less=true);
716 void sort_lst_by(lst & ilst, int n, bool less=true);
717 void sort_vec(exvector & ivec, bool less=true);
718 void sort_vec_by(exvector & ivec, int n, bool less=true);
720 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
721 // Other Functions
722 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
723 inline void append_to(const exvector & exv, lst & alst) { for(auto item : exv) alst.append(item); }
724 inline void append_to(const lst & alst, exvector & exv) { for(auto item : alst) exv.push_back(item); }
725 inline lst CoPat(const ex & e, std::function<bool(const ex &)> f) {
726 if(is_a<mul>(e)) {
727 ex cc=1, vv=1;
728 for(auto item : e) {
729 if(f(item)) vv *= item;
730 else cc *= item;
731 }
732 return lst{cc,vv};
733 } else if(f(e)) return lst{1,e};
734 else return lst{e,1};
735 }
740 class XIntegral : public basic {
742 private:
743 static GiNaC::registered_class_info reg_info;
744 public:
745 static GiNaC::registered_class_info &get_class_info_static();
746 class visitor {
747 public:
748 virtual void visit(const XIntegral &) = 0; // classname
749 virtual ~visitor();
750 };
751 template<class B, typename... Args> friend B & dynallocate(Args &&... args);
752 typedef basic inherited; // supername
753 XIntegral(); // classname
754 XIntegral * duplicate() const override; // classname
755 void accept(GiNaC::visitor & v) const override;
756 const GiNaC::registered_class_info &get_class_info() const override;
757 GiNaC::registered_class_info &get_class_info() override;
758 const char *class_name() const override;
759 protected:
760 int compare_same_type(const GiNaC::basic & other) const override;
763 public:
764 ex Function=lst{};
765 ex Exponent=lst{};
766 ex Deltas=lst{};
767 size_t nops() const override;
768 ex op(size_t i) const override;
769 ex & let_op(size_t i) override;
770 void print(const print_dflt &c, unsigned level = 0) const;
771 void archive(archive_node & n) const override;
772 void read_archive(const archive_node& n) override;
773 static bool has(const ex &e);
774 static lst all(const ex &e);
775 XIntegral(ex fed);
776 XIntegral(ex loops, ex ps, ex ns);
777 };
779 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SKIP
780 class _global_init {
781 public:
782 class _init {
783 public: _init();
784 };
785 private:
786 static _init init_object;
787 };
788 #endif
790 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
791 // Interface to FORM & Fermat
792 /*-----------------------------------------------------*/
797 class Fermat {
798 public:
799 static Fermat& get();
800 static int buffer_size;
801 string Sentinel = "---EOF---";
802 void Init(string fer_path="fer64");
803 int vmax = 0;
804 string Execute(string);
805 void Exit();
806 ~Fermat();
808 private:
809 bool inited = false;
810 bool exited = false;
811 int P2C[2];
812 int C2P[2];
813 pid_t fpid = 0;
814 pid_t pid = 0;
815 };
820 class Form {
821 public:
822 static int buffer_size;
823 string Sentinel = "---EOF---";
824 string Prompt = "***EOF***";
825 void Init(string form_path="form");
826 string Execute(const string & script, const string & out_var="[o]");
827 void Exit();
828 ~Form();
830 private:
831 bool inited = false;
832 bool exited = false;
833 int io[2][2];
834 int stdo[2];
835 pid_t fpid = 0;
836 pid_t pid = 0;
837 };
843 class MMAFormat : public print_dflt {
845 public:
846 MMAFormat(ostream &os, unsigned opt=0);
848 template<class T> const MMAFormat & operator << (const T & v) const {
849 s << v;
850 return *this;
851 };
852 const MMAFormat & operator << (const basic & v) const;
853 const MMAFormat & operator << (const ex & v) const;
854 const MMAFormat & operator << (const lst & v) const;
855 const MMAFormat & operator<<(std::ostream& (*v)(std::ostream&)) const;
856 const MMAFormat & operator << (const matrix & v) const;
857 const MMAFormat & operator << (const exvector & v) const;
858 const MMAFormat & operator << (const exmap & v) const;
859 const MMAFormat & operator << (const exset & v) const;
860 };
861 extern MMAFormat mout;
863 void garWrite(const exvector &exv, string garfn);
864 inline void garWrite(string garfn, const exvector &exv) { garWrite(exv,garfn); }
865 void garRead(exvector &exv, string garfn);
866 inline void garRead(string garfn, exvector &exv) { garRead(exv, garfn); }
867 ex add_collect_normal(const exvector &exv, ex const &pats, int opt = o_flint);
868 ex add_collect_normal(const exvector &exv, lst const &pats, int opt = o_flint);
869 ex add_collect_normal(const exvector &exv, init_list const &pats, int opt = o_flint);
870 ex add_collect_normal(const ex & e, ex const &pats, int opt = o_flint);
871 ex add_collect_normal(const ex & e, lst const &pats, int opt = o_flint);
872 ex add_collect_normal(const ex & e, init_list const &pats, int opt = o_flint);
873 bool has_w(const ex & e);
874 void subs_w(exmap & repl);
875 void subs_w(lst & repl);
877 class Server {
878 public:
879 int Round = 3;
880 int Port = 0;
881 unsigned Total;
882 void Start();
883 int Verbose = 1;
884 string Skip = "[ID].run";
885 string DL;
886 string FUNC;
888 static string Next(string sip, string sport);
889 };
891 void ReShare(const ex & e);
892 void ReShare(const lst & e);
893 void ReShare(const ex & e1, const ex & e2);
894 void ReShare(const ex & e1, const ex & e2, const ex & e3);
895 void ReShare(const exvector & ev);
896 void ReShare(const exvector & ev1, const exvector & ev2);
898 ex nextprime(const ex & n);
899 ex nextprime(int n);
900 numeric RationalReconstruct(numeric a, numeric p);
901 numeric mulInv(numeric a, numeric b);
902 numeric ChineseRemainder(std::vector<numeric> a, std::vector<numeric> n);
903 numeric RationalReconstruct(vector<numeric> aa, vector<numeric> pp);
904 ex Thiele(const exvector & keys, const exvector & values, const ex & d);
905 ex Newton(const exvector & keys, const exvector & values, const ex & d, const ex factor=1);
907 // fermat functions
908 matrix fermat_Redrowech(const matrix & mat);
909 matrix fermat_Redrowech_Sparse(const matrix & mat);
910 ex fermat_Det(const matrix & mat);
911 ex fermat_Det_Sparse(const matrix & mat);
912 matrix fermat_inv(const matrix & mat);
913 matrix fermat_mul(const matrix & m1, const matrix & m2);
914 matrix fermat_pow(const matrix & mat_in, int n);
916 void fermat_mat(const matrix & mat_in, const string & name);
917 matrix fermat_mat(const string & name);
918 void fermat_eval(const string & fcmd="@[**]");
919 bool has_symbol(const ex & e);
920 void arg2map(int argc, char** argv, const char *optstring, std::map<char,std::string> & kv);
923typedef void (*RUN)(std::string dir_id);
925#include "Symbols.h"
int * a
void(* RUN)(std::string dir_id)
Definition BASIC.h:923
Basic header file.
class used to wrap error message
Definition BASIC.h:242
string msg
Definition BASIC.h:244
const char * what() const
Definition BASIC.cpp:24
interface to communicate with Fermat program
Definition BASIC.h:797
static int buffer_size
Definition BASIC.h:800
interface to communicate with Form program
Definition BASIC.h:820
static int buffer_size
Definition BASIC.h:822
class for Mathematica Format Output
Definition BASIC.h:843
class to wrap map_function of GiNaC
Definition BASIC.h:632
class to parse for string or file, helpful with Symbol class
Definition BASIC.h:645
prototype_table FTable
Definition BASIC.h:647
symtab STable
Definition BASIC.h:648
unsigned Total
Definition BASIC.h:881
string FUNC
Definition BASIC.h:886
string DL
Definition BASIC.h:885
virtual void visit(const Symbol &)=0
class extended to GiNaC symbol class, represent a positive symbol
Definition BASIC.h:113
void unset() const
Definition BASIC.cpp:140
static void unset_all()
Definition BASIC.cpp:146
symbol inherited
Definition BASIC.h:125
static lst all(const ex &e)
ex series(const relational &s, int order, unsigned options=0) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:125
void archive(archive_node &n) const override
Symbol archive.
Definition BASIC.cpp:88
ex imag_part() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:104
Symbol * duplicate() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:61
bool is_equal_same_type(const basic &other) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:113
ex conjugate() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:102
static ex set_all(const ex &expr)
Definition BASIC.cpp:147
const char * class_name() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:65
static bool has(const ex &e)
ex subs(const exmap &m, unsigned options=0) const override
Definition BASIC.h:145
void read_archive(const archive_node &n) override
Symbol read_archive.
Definition BASIC.cpp:96
static GiNaC::registered_class_info & get_class_info_static()
Definition BASIC.cpp:59
ex derivative(const symbol &s) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:119
unsigned calchash() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:105
ex evalf() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:101
void set(const ex &v) const
Definition BASIC.cpp:139
static std::map< std::string, ex > Table
Definition BASIC.h:160
ex eval() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:100
unsigned get_serial()
Definition BASIC.h:165
friend B & dynallocate(Args &&... args)
unsigned get_domain() const override
Definition BASIC.h:156
void set_name(string n)
Definition BASIC.cpp:137
void accept(GiNaC::visitor &v) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:62
static exmap vmap
Definition BASIC.h:167
ex real_part() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:103
int compare_same_type(const GiNaC::basic &other) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:75
const GiNaC::registered_class_info & get_class_info() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:63
virtual void visit(const XIntegral &)=0
XIntegral Class, preface to SecDec.
Definition BASIC.h:740
basic inherited
Definition BASIC.h:752
static lst all(const ex &e)
static bool has(const ex &e)
friend B & dynallocate(Args &&... args)
virtual void visit(const iSymbol &)=0
class extended to GiNaC symbol class, pure imaginary symbol
Definition BASIC.h:183
bool is_equal_same_type(const basic &other) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:188
ex eval() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:236
ex evalf() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:237
static std::map< std::string, ex > Table
Definition BASIC.h:230
unsigned get_domain() const override
Definition BASIC.h:211
void archive(archive_node &n) const override
Symbol archive.
Definition BASIC.cpp:224
ex subs(const exmap &m, unsigned options=0) const override
Definition BASIC.h:217
void set_name(string n)
Definition BASIC.cpp:212
iSymbol * duplicate() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:166
ex real_part() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:239
ex derivative(const symbol &s) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:194
static GiNaC::registered_class_info & get_class_info_static()
Definition BASIC.cpp:164
ex conjugate() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:238
static lst all(const ex &e)
const char * class_name() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:170
ex series(const relational &s, int order, unsigned options=0) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:200
void accept(GiNaC::visitor &v) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:167
ex imag_part() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:240
symbol inherited
Definition BASIC.h:195
const GiNaC::registered_class_info & get_class_info() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:168
int compare_same_type(const GiNaC::basic &other) const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:179
static bool has(const ex &e)
friend B & dynallocate(Args &&... args)
void read_archive(const archive_node &n) override
Symbol read_archive.
Definition BASIC.cpp:232
unsigned calchash() const override
Definition BASIC.cpp:214
class as lst Helper
Definition BASIC.h:255
static lst map(const lst &m, F f)
Definition BASIC.h:270
static void map_inplace(lst &m, F f)
Definition BASIC.h:263
HepLib namespace.
Definition BASIC.cpp:17
ex expand_ex(ex const &expr_in, std::function< bool(const ex &)> has_func)
the expand like Mathematica
Definition BASIC.cpp:1188
const char * Color_HighLight
Definition BASIC.cpp:248
string INC_FLAGS
Definition Init.cpp:163
ex exfactor(const ex &expr_in, int opt)
factorize a expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1854
ex collect_factors(const ex &expr)
a wrapper for collect_common_factors, catch errors
Definition BASIC.cpp:1841
ex w9
Definition BASIC.h:499
ex w8
Definition BASIC.h:499
matrix fermat_Redrowech_Sparse(const matrix &mat)
Definition Fermat.cpp:516
void append_to(const exvector &exv, lst &alst)
Definition BASIC.h:723
bool ex_less(const ex &a, const ex &b)
Definition Sort.cpp:10
void PostTree(const ex &e, std::function< void(const ex &)> f)
Definition BASIC.h:679
void arg2map(int argc, char **argv, const char *optstring, std::map< char, std::string > &kv)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2337
__float128 ex2q(ex num)
ex of numeric to __float128
Definition BASIC.cpp:879
const iSymbol iEpsilon
void reset_precision()
Definition BASIC.cpp:2323
ex w7
Definition BASIC.h:499
ex EvalF(ex expr)
the nuerical evaluation, Digits=100 will be used
Definition BASIC.cpp:1245
lst str2lst(const string &expr, symtab stab)
convert string to the lst, using Parser internally
Definition BASIC.cpp:693
matrix fermat_mul(const matrix &m1, const matrix &m2)
Definition Fermat.cpp:987
ex exnd(const ex &expr, int opt)
num_den a expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1932
MMAFormat mout
ex form_factor(const ex &expr, bool nd=true)
Definition BASIC.h:472
bool has_function(const ex &expr)
Definition BASIC.h:668
lst gather_symbols(const ex &e)
get all symbols from input expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:539
lst CoPat(const ex &e, std::function< bool(const ex &)> f)
Definition BASIC.h:725
ex w5
Definition BASIC.h:499
void let_op_prepend(ex &ex_in, const ex item)
preppend item into expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1335
std::function< GiNaC::function(const ex &, const ex &, const ex &, const ex &)> GiNaC_Function_4(const string name)
Definition BASIC.h:621
std::function< GiNaC::function(const ex &, const ex &, const ex &)> GiNaC_Function_3(const string name)
Definition BASIC.h:614
bool match_any(ex expr, lst ps)
Definition BASIC.h:69
ex EvalL(ex expr)
Definition BASIC.cpp:1256
lst xlst(int bi, int ei)
return a lst: x(bi), x(bi+1), ..., x(ei)
Definition BASIC.cpp:946
int GiNaC_Parallel_Process
Definition Init.cpp:146
void let_op(ex &ex_in, int index1, int index2, const ex item)
update index1-th.index2-th of expression with item
Definition BASIC.cpp:1560
std::function< GiNaC::function(const ex &)> GiNaC_Function_1(const string name)
Definition BASIC.h:600
std::initializer_list< ex > init_list
Definition BASIC.h:47
bool string_contain(const string &fstr, const string &mstr)
ex q2ex(__float128 num)
__float128 to ex
Definition BASIC.cpp:867
bool xPositive(ex const expr)
check the expr is xPositive, i.e., each x-monomial item is postive
Definition BASIC.cpp:1290
void Combinations(int n, int m, std::function< void(const int *)> f)
const int o_form
Definition Init.cpp:112
void PreTree(const ex &e, std::function< void(const ex &)> f)
Definition BASIC.h:676
int NNDigits
Definition Init.cpp:158
const int o_fermat
Definition Init.cpp:109
void ex2file(const ex &expr, string filename)
export expression file
Definition BASIC.cpp:845
const int o_none
Definition Init.cpp:107
ex normal_fermat(const ex &expr, bool dfactor)
return the normalizatied expression, using fermat_numer_denom
Definition BASIC.cpp:1831
ex NN(ex expr, int digits)
the nuerical evaluation
Definition BASIC.cpp:1278
const int o_flint
Definition Init.cpp:113
string Version
Definition Init.cpp:85
ex w0
Definition BASIC.h:499
map< string, bool > GiNaC_Parallel_RM
Definition Init.cpp:151
bool isSorted(const lst &exs)
bool is_equal_any(ex expr, lst ps)
Definition BASIC.h:64
ex factor_flint(const ex &e, bool nd=true)
map< ex, long long, ex_is_less > fermat_weight
Definition Init.cpp:155
bool has_all(ex expr, lst ps)
Definition BASIC.h:59
const char * ErrColor
Definition BASIC.cpp:246
numeric RationalReconstruct(numeric a, numeric p)
Definition Rational.cpp:8
const int o_fermatfD
Definition Init.cpp:110
ex Thiele(const exvector &keys, const exvector &values, const ex &d)
Definition Rational.cpp:81
ex collect_ex(ex const &expr_in, std::function< bool(const ex &)> has_func, int opt)
the collect function like Mathematica
Definition BASIC.cpp:1202
ex EvalQ(ex expr)
Definition BASIC.cpp:1261
void garRead(const string &garfn, map< string, ex > &resMap)
garRead from file, and output in a map
Definition BASIC.cpp:591
map< string, int > GiNaC_Parallel_NB
Definition Init.cpp:150
void subs_w(exmap &repl)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2238
const int o_fermat_form
Definition Init.cpp:118
void ReShare(const ex &e)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2250
bool file_exists(string fn)
Definition BASIC.h:289
ex w4
Definition BASIC.h:499
bool has_w(const ex &e)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2233
ex factor_form(const ex &expr, bool nd)
factorize a expression using FORM
Definition BASIC.cpp:2048
ex series_ex(ex const &expr_in, ex const &s0, int sn0)
the series like Mathematica, include s^n
Definition BASIC.cpp:968
bool string_start_with(const string &fstr, const string &sstr)
const char * WarnColor
Definition BASIC.cpp:247
ex str2ex(const string &expr, symtab stab)
convert string to ex expression, using Parser internally
Definition BASIC.cpp:670
int ACSort(lst &exs)
numeric ChineseRemainder(std::vector< numeric > a, std::vector< numeric > n)
Definition Rational.cpp:53
bool key_exists(const exmap &map, const ex &key)
Definition BASIC.h:293
string LIB_FLAGS
Definition Init.cpp:164
ex form_eval(const ex &expr)
Definition BASIC.cpp:1938
bool using_cache
Definition Init.cpp:156
void fermat_mat(const matrix &mat_in, const string &name)
Definition Fermat.cpp:1224
string now(bool use_date)
date/time string
Definition BASIC.cpp:525
bool Debug
Definition Init.cpp:144
ex numer_denom_fermat(const ex &expr, bool dfactor=false)
return the numerator and denominator after normalization
Definition Fermat.cpp:23
bool has_any(ex expr, lst ps)
Definition BASIC.h:55
string RunOS(const string &cmd)
run symtem command and return the output as string
Definition BASIC.cpp:571
lst add2lst(const ex &expr)
convert add to lst
Definition BASIC.cpp:921
ex w
Definition Init.cpp:93
ex fermat_normal(const ex &expr, bool dfactor=false)
Definition BASIC.h:465
const Symbol d
int fermat_using_array
Definition Init.cpp:154
int CpuCores()
return the cpu cores using OpenMP
Definition BASIC.cpp:1820
map< string, int > GiNaC_Parallel_NP
Definition Init.cpp:147
bool isFunction(const ex &e, string func_name)
Definition BASIC.h:658
map< string, int > GiNaC_Parallel_Verb
Definition Init.cpp:148
void CombinationsR(int n, int m, std::function< void(const int *)> f)
map< string, bool > GiNaC_Parallel_ReWR
Definition Init.cpp:153
exvector lst2vec(const lst &alst)
convert lst to exvector
Definition BASIC.cpp:911
const int o_normal
Definition Init.cpp:108
ex get_op(const ex ex_in, int index1, int index2)
return index1-th.index2-th of expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1606
bool match_all(ex expr, lst ps)
Definition BASIC.h:73
vector< string > file2strvec(string filename, bool skip_empty)
read file content to string vector
Definition BASIC.cpp:809
string in2str(int i)
Definition BASIC.h:346
matrix fermat_Redrowech(const matrix &mat)
Definition Fermat.cpp:409
ex file2ex(string filename)
read file content to ex
Definition BASIC.cpp:825
ex exnormal(const ex &expr, int opt)
normalize a expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1916
const int o_flintf
Definition Init.cpp:114
const int o_flintfD
Definition Init.cpp:115
ex EvalMP(ex expr)
Definition BASIC.cpp:1266
const int o_normal_fermat
Definition Init.cpp:116
std::function< GiNaC::function(const ex &, const ex &)> GiNaC_Function_2(const string name)
Definition BASIC.h:607
ex nextprime(const ex &n)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2284
string InstallPrefix
Definition Init.cpp:162
void Permutations(int n, std::function< void(const int *)> f)
ex normal_flint(const ex &expr, int opt=o_flint)
void sort_lst_by(lst &ilst, int n, bool less=true)
sort the list in less order, or the reverse
Definition Sort.cpp:91
const ex iEpsilonN
Definition Init.cpp:141
bool In_GiNaC_Parallel
Definition Init.cpp:145
ex fermat_eval(const ex &expr)
return the numerator and denominator after normalization
Definition Fermat.cpp:317
ex fermat_Det(const matrix &mat)
Definition Fermat.cpp:650
lst mul2lst(const ex &expr)
convert mul to lst
Definition BASIC.cpp:933
matrix fermat_inv(const matrix &mat)
Definition Fermat.cpp:880
string file2str(string filename)
read file content to string
Definition BASIC.cpp:775
lst collect_lst(ex const &expr_in, std::function< bool(const ex &)> has_func, int opt)
the collect function like Mathematica, reture the lst { {c1,v1}, {c2,v2}, ... }
Definition BASIC.cpp:1222
void sort_vec(exvector &ivec, bool less=true)
sort the list in less order, or the reverse
Definition Sort.cpp:54
ex diff_ex(ex const expr, ex const xp, unsigned nth, bool expand)
the differential like Mathematica
Definition BASIC.cpp:1063
int Verbose
Definition Init.cpp:142
void sort_lst(lst &ilst, bool less=true)
sort the list in less order, or the reverse
Definition Sort.cpp:79
ex Rationalize(const ex &e, int dn)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2293
bool file_remove(string fn)
Definition BASIC.h:285
void string_replace_all(string &str, const string &from, const string &to)
void garWrite(const string &garfn, const map< string, ex > &resMap)
garWrite to write the string-key map to the archive
Definition BASIC.cpp:639
void let_op_append(ex &ex_in, const ex item)
append item into expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1324
lst vec2lst(const exvector &ev)
convert exvector to lst
Definition BASIC.cpp:902
string ex2str(const ex &expr)
convert ex to output string, the defalut printer format will be used
Definition BASIC.cpp:715
void let_op_remove_first(ex &ex_in)
remove first from expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1355
matrix lst2mat(const lst &ls)
convert 2Dim lst to matrix
Definition BASIC.cpp:737
bool dir_exists(string dir)
Definition BASIC.h:297
long long node_number(const ex &expr, int level=0)
void str2file(const string &ostr, string filename)
export string to a file
Definition BASIC.cpp:787
const int o_normal_form
Definition Init.cpp:117
long long cache_limit
Definition Init.cpp:157
bool string_end_with(const string &fstr, const string &estr)
ex w1
Definition BASIC.h:499
unsigned nopat
Definition Init.cpp:91
ex w3
Definition BASIC.h:499
void set_precision(long prec, bool push)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2314
ex w6
Definition BASIC.h:499
void sort_vec_by(exvector &ivec, int n, bool less=true)
sort the list in less order, or the reverse
Definition Sort.cpp:67
ex add_collect_normal(const exvector &exv, ex const &pats, int opt)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2173
ex fermat_Det_Sparse(const matrix &mat)
Definition Fermat.cpp:757
map< string, string > GiNaC_Parallel_PRE
Definition Init.cpp:152
std::vector< std::string > split(const std::string &s, char delimiter)
split the string into serveral part, separated by the delimiter
Definition BASIC.cpp:499
int xSign(ex const expr)
the always sign for expr
Definition BASIC.cpp:1312
exvector GiNaC_Parallel(int ntotal, std::function< ex(int)> f, const string &key)
GiNaC Parallel Evaluation using fork.
Definition BASIC.cpp:260
void let_op_remove_last(ex &ex_in)
remove last from expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1345
const int o_fermatN
Definition Init.cpp:111
bool has_symbol(const ex &e)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2353
ex w2
Definition BASIC.h:499
void PermutationsR(int n, int m, std::function< void(const int *)> f)
long get_precision()
Definition BASIC.cpp:2333
void string_trim(string &str)
ex numer_fermat(const ex &expr)
Definition Fermat.cpp:170
ex fermat_numer_denom(const ex &expr, bool dfactor=false)
Definition BASIC.h:461
numeric mulInv(numeric a, numeric b)
Definition Rational.cpp:31
matrix fermat_pow(const matrix &mat_in, int n)
Definition Fermat.cpp:1112
string PRE
Definition Init.cpp:143
int ex2int(ex num)
ex to integer
Definition BASIC.cpp:893
ex subs(const ex &e, init_list sl)
Definition BASIC.h:51
ex Newton(const exvector &keys, const exvector &values, const ex &d, const ex factor=1)
Definition Rational.cpp:106
int GiNaC_Parallel_Batch
Definition Init.cpp:149