No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
6#include <math.h>
7#include <complex>
8extern "C" {
9#include <quadmath.h>
11#include "mpreal.h"
12#include <omp.h>
13#include "SD.h"
15/* error return codes */
16#define SUCCESS 0
17#define FAILURE 1
19using namespace std;
20namespace {
21 typedef mpfr::mpreal mpREAL;
22 typedef const mpREAL & mpREAL_t;
23 typedef complex<mpREAL> mpCOMPLEX;
24 typedef std::function<int(unsigned ydim, mpREAL *y, mpREAL *e, const mpREAL & x, void *fdata)> f1Type;
25 typedef const f1Type & f1Type_t;
26 typedef std::function<int(unsigned ydim, mpREAL *y, mpREAL *e, unsigned xdim, const mpREAL *x, void *fdata)> fnType;
27 typedef const fnType & fnType_t;
28 typedef void (*PrintHookerType) (mpREAL *, mpREAL *, size_t *, void *);
30extern mpREAL mpPi;
31extern mpREAL mpEuler;
33namespace {
34 int CPUCORES = 8;
35 size_t kmax = 10;
36 // int f from a to b, parallel version
37 int TanhSinh1(mpREAL *oval, mpREAL *oerr, f1Type_t f, unsigned ydim, mpREAL_t epsrel, PrintHookerType PrintHooker, void *fdata) {
38 mpREAL a=0, b=1; // integration domain (a,b)
39 mpREAL c = (a+b)/2; // gamma
40 mpREAL d = (b-a)/2; // sigma
41 const mpREAL tol = 10*epsrel;
42 mpREAL s[ydim], e_s[ydim], val[ydim], err[ydim], v[ydim], h = 2;
43 if(f(ydim, s, e_s, c, fdata)) return FAILURE;
44 size_t k = 0;
45 while(k<=kmax) {
46 mpREAL p[ydim], fp[ydim], fm[ydim], q, t, eh;
47 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) p[j] = fp[j] = fm[j] = 0;
48 h /= 2;
49 eh = exp(h);
50 t = eh;
51 if (k > 0) eh *= eh;
52 bool parallel = true;
53 if(omp_in_parallel() && ( !omp_get_nested() || omp_get_active_level()>1 )) parallel = false;
54 if(parallel) { // Parallel
55 while(true) {
56 int total = CPUCORES/2;
57 mpREAL xs[total], ws[total], fps[total*ydim], e_fps[total*ydim], fms[total*ydim], e_fms[total*ydim];
58 int RC1[total], RC2[total];
59 for(int i=0; i<total; i++) {
60 mpREAL u = exp(1/t-t);
61 mpREAL r = 2*u/(1+u);
62 ws[i] = (t+1/t)*r/(1+u);
63 xs[i] = d*r;
64 t *= eh;
65 RC1[i] = RC2[i] = 0;
66 }
67 auto prec = mpfr::mpreal::get_default_prec();
68 auto rnd = mpfr::mpreal::get_default_rnd();
69 #pragma omp parallel for
70 for(int ii=0; ii<2*total; ii++) {
71 int i = ii/2, i2 = ii%2;
72 mpfr::mpreal::set_default_prec(prec);
73 mpfr::mpreal::set_default_rnd(rnd);
74 mpREAL_t x = xs[i];
75 if(i2==0) { if (a+x > a) RC1[i] = f(ydim,fps+ydim*i,e_fps+ydim*i,a+x,fdata); }
76 else if(i2==1) { if (b-x < b) RC2[i] = f(ydim,fms+ydim*i,e_fms+ydim*i,b-x,fdata); }
77 mpfr_free_cache();
78 }
79 bool ok;
80 for(int i=0; i<total; i++) {
81 if(RC1[i]!=0 || RC2[i]!=0) return FAILURE;
82 mpREAL_t x = xs[i];
83 ok = true;
84 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) {
85 if (a+x > a) if (isfinite(fps[i])) {
86 fp[j] = fps[i*ydim+j];
87 if(e_s[j] < e_fps[i*ydim+j]) e_s[j] = e_fps[i*ydim+j];
88 }
89 if (b-x < b) if (isfinite(fms[i])) {
90 fm[j] = fms[i*ydim+j];
91 if(e_s[j] < e_fms[i*ydim+j]) e_s[j] = e_fms[i*ydim+j];
92 }
93 q = ws[i]*(fp[j]+fm[j]);
94 p[j] += q;
95 ok = ok && (fabs(q)<=epsrel*fabs(p[j]));
96 }
97 if(ok) break;
98 }
99 if(ok) break;
100 }
101 } else { // Non-Parallel
102 while(true) {
103 mpREAL u = exp(1/t-t);
104 mpREAL r = 2*u/(1+u);
105 mpREAL w = (t+1/t)*r/(1+u);
106 mpREAL x = d*r;
107 t *= eh;
108 mpREAL y[ydim], e_y[ydim];
109 if (a+x > a) {
110 if(f(ydim,y,e_y,a+x,fdata)) return FAILURE;
111 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) if (isfinite(y[j])) {
112 fp[j] = y[j];
113 if(e_s[j] < e_y[j]) e_s[j] = e_y[j];
114 }
115 }
116 if (b-x < b) {
117 if(f(ydim,y,e_y,b-x,fdata)) return FAILURE;
118 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) if (isfinite(y[j])) {
119 fm[j] = y[j];
120 if(e_s[j] < e_y[j]) e_s[j] = e_y[j];
121 }
122 }
123 bool ok = true;
124 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) {
125 q = w*(fp[j]+fm[j]);
126 p[j] += q;
127 ok = ok && (fabs(q)<=epsrel*fabs(p[j]));
128 }
129 if(ok) break;
130 }
131 }
132 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) {
133 v[j] = s[j] - p[j];
134 s[j] += p[j];
135 val[j] = d*h*s[j];
136 err[j] = fabs(d*h*v[j]) + (b-a)*e_s[j];
137 }
138 if(k > 10) {
139 cout << RED << "Large Level: " << RESET << k << endl;
140 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) {
141 cout << val[j] << " +- " << err[j].toString(3) << endl;
142 }
143 cout << endl;
144 }
145 size_t kk = k;
146 if(PrintHooker) PrintHooker(val, err, &kk, fdata);
147 if(kk!=k) {
148 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) {
149 oval[j] = val[j];
150 oerr[j] = err[j];
151 }
152 return SUCCESS;
153 }
154 bool ok = true;
155 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) {
156 ok = ok && (fabs(v[j])<=tol*fabs(s[j]));
157 if(!ok) break;
158 }
159 if(ok) break;
160 ++k;
161 }
162 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) {
163 oval[j] = val[j];
164 oerr[j] = err[j];
165 }
166 return SUCCESS;
167 }
169 int TanhSinhN(mpREAL *val, mpREAL *err, fnType_t f, unsigned xdim, unsigned ydim, mpREAL_t eps, PrintHookerType PrintHooker, void *fdata) {
170 if(xdim==1) {
171 auto f1 = [f](unsigned ydim, mpREAL *y, mpREAL *e, mpREAL_t x, void *fdata)->int {
172 mpREAL xs[1];
173 xs[0] = x;
174 if(f(ydim,y,e,1,xs,fdata)) return FAILURE;
175 return SUCCESS;
176 };
177 return TanhSinh1(val,err,f1,ydim,eps,PrintHooker,fdata);
178 } else {
179 auto f1 = [f,xdim,eps](unsigned ydim, mpREAL *y, mpREAL *e, mpREAL_t x, void *fdata)->int {
180 auto f2 =[f,x](unsigned ydim, mpREAL *y1, mpREAL *e1, unsigned xdim1, const mpREAL *xs1, void *fdata)->int {
181 mpREAL xs[xdim1+1];
182 if(true) { // insert first
183 xs[0] = x;
184 for(int i=1; i<=xdim1; i++) xs[i] = xs1[i-1];
185 } else { // insert last
186 for(int i=0; i<xdim1; i++) xs[i] = xs1[i];
187 xs[xdim1] = x;
188 }
189 if(f(ydim,y1,e1,xdim1+1,xs,fdata)) return FAILURE;
190 return SUCCESS;
191 };
192 return TanhSinhN(y,e,f2,xdim-1,ydim,eps/xdim,NULL,fdata);
193 };
194 return TanhSinh1(val,err,f1,ydim,eps,PrintHooker,fdata);
195 }
196 }
199namespace HepLib::SD {
202// TanhSinhMP Classes
205TanhSinhMP::TanhSinhMP(size_t k) { K = k; }
207ex TanhSinhMP::mp2ex(mpREAL_t num) {
208 ostringstream oss;
209 oss.precision(MPDigits);
210 oss << num;
211 string sn = oss.str();
212 numeric ret(sn.c_str());
213 return ret;
216int TanhSinhMP::Wrapper(unsigned ydim, mpREAL *y, mpREAL *e, unsigned xdim, const mpREAL *x, void *fdata) {
217 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) e[j] = 0; // assume error can be ignored
218 auto self = (TanhSinhMP*)fdata;
219 self->IntegrandMP(xdim, x, ydim, y, self->mpParameter, self->mpLambda);
220 bool ok = true;
221 for(int j=0; j<ydim; j++) {
222 if(!isfinite(y[j])) { ok = false; break; }
223 }
224 if(!ok) {
225 mpfr::mpreal::set_default_prec(mpfr::digits2bits(self->MPDigits*10));
226 self->IntegrandMP(xdim, x, ydim, y, self->mpParameter, self->mpLambda);
227 mpfr::mpreal::set_default_prec(mpfr::digits2bits(self->MPDigits));
228 }
229 return SUCCESS;
232void TanhSinhMP::DefaultPrintHooker(mpREAL* result, mpREAL* epsabs, size_t * nrun, void *fdata) {
233 auto self = (TanhSinhMP*)fdata;
234 if(*nrun == self->K + 1979) return;
235 if(self->RunTime>0) {
236 auto cur_timer = time(NULL);
237 auto used_time = difftime(cur_timer,self->StartTimer);
238 if(used_time>self->RunTime) {
239 self->NEval = *nrun;
240 *nrun = self->K + 1979;
241 if(Verbose>10) cout << WarnColor << " Exit with Run out of Time: " << used_time << RESET << endl;
242 return;
243 }
244 }
245 if(Verbose>10 && self->K>0) {
246 auto r0 = result[0];
247 auto r1 = result[1];
248 auto e0 = epsabs[0].toString(3);
249 auto e1 = epsabs[1].toString(3);
250 cout << " L: " << (*nrun) << ", ";
251 if(self->ReIm==3 || self->ReIm==1) cout << "[" << r0 << ", " << e0 << "]";
252 if(self->ReIm==3 || self->ReIm==2) cout << "+I*[" << r1 << ", " << e1 << "]";
253 cout << endl;
254 }
255 self->NEval = *nrun;
257 bool rExit = (epsabs[0] < self->EpsAbs+1E-50Q) || (epsabs[0] < fabs(result[0])*self->EpsRel+1E-50Q);
258 bool iExit = (epsabs[1] < self->EpsAbs+1E-50Q) || (epsabs[1] < fabs(result[1])*self->EpsRel+1E-50Q);
259 if(rExit && iExit) {
260 *nrun = self->K + 1979;
261 return;
262 }
264 auto pid = getpid();
265 ostringstream fn;
266 fn << pid << ".int.done";
267 if(file_exists(fn.str().c_str())) {
268 self->NEval = *nrun;
269 *nrun = self->K + 1979;
270 ostringstream cmd;
271 cmd << "rm " << fn.str();
272 system(cmd.str().c_str());
273 if(Verbose>10) cout << " Exit: " << fn.str() << endl;
274 }
278 kmax = n==0 ? K : n;
279 CPUCORES = omp_get_num_procs();
280 if(mpfr_buildopt_tls_p()<=0) throw Error("Integrate: mpfr_buildopt_tls_p()<=0.");
281 mpfr_free_cache();
282 mpfr::mpreal::set_default_prec(mpfr::digits2bits(MPDigits));
283 mpPi = mpfr::const_pi();
284 mpEuler = mpfr::const_euler();
286 unsigned int xdim = XDim;
287 unsigned int ydim = 2;
288 mpREAL result[ydim], estabs[ydim];
289 NEval = 0;
290 mpREAL epsrel = 1E-2;
291 int nok = TanhSinhN(result, estabs, Wrapper, xdim, ydim, epsrel, NULL, this);
292 epsrel = min(EpsAbs/(fabs(result[0])+EpsAbs), EpsAbs/(fabs(result[1])+EpsAbs));
293 if(epsrel < 1E-2) {
294 StartTimer = time(NULL);
295 nok = TanhSinhN(result, estabs, Wrapper, xdim, ydim, epsrel, n==0 ? PrintHooker : NULL, this);
296 }
298 if(nok) {
299 mpREAL abs_res = sqrt(result[0]*result[0]+result[1]*result[1]);
300 mpREAL abs_est = sqrt(estabs[0]*estabs[0]+estabs[1]*estabs[1]);
301 mpREAL mpfr_eps = 10*mpfr::machine_epsilon();
302 if( (abs_res < mpfr_eps) && (abs_est < mpfr_eps) ) {
303 cout << ErrColor << "TanhSinhMP Failed with 0 result returned!" << RESET << endl;
304 return NaN;
305 }
306 }
308 ex FResult = 0;
309 if(!isfinite(result[0]) || !isfinite(result[1])) FResult += NaN;
310 else {
311 try{
312 FResult += VE(mp2ex(result[0]), mp2ex(estabs[0]));
313 FResult += VE(mp2ex(result[1]), mp2ex(estabs[1])) * I;
314 } catch(...) {
315 FResult += NaN;
316 }
317 }
319 return FResult;
int * a
#define RED
Definition BASIC.h:81
#define RESET
Definition BASIC.h:79
complex< mpREAL > mpCOMPLEX
Definition HCubature.cpp:20
mpfr::mpreal mpREAL
Definition HCubature.cpp:19
mpREAL mpEuler
mpREAL mpPi
#define SUCCESS
SecDec header file.
#define FAILURE
mpREAL mpEuler
#define SUCCESS
mpREAL mpPi
class used to wrap error message
Definition BASIC.h:242
numerical integrator using TanhSinhMP
Definition SD.h:233
static void DefaultPrintHooker(mpREAL *, mpREAL *, size_t *, void *)
PrintHookerType PrintHooker
Definition SD.h:239
virtual ex Integrate(size_t n=0) override
static int Wrapper(unsigned ydim, mpREAL *y, mpREAL *e, unsigned xdim, const mpREAL *x, void *fdata)
namespace for Numerical integration with Sector Decomposition method
Definition AsyMB.cpp:10
mpfr::mpreal mpREAL
Definition SD.h:125
const char * ErrColor
Definition BASIC.cpp:246
const Symbol eps
bool file_exists(string fn)
Definition BASIC.h:289
const char * WarnColor
Definition BASIC.cpp:247
ex w
Definition Init.cpp:93
const Symbol d
int Verbose
Definition Init.cpp:142
const Symbol NaN