No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
6#include "SD.h"
7#include <cmath>
9namespace HepLib::SD {
14 void SecDec::ChengWu(const ex & ft) {
16 if(is_a<lst>(ft) && ft.nops()>1) {
17 for(auto item : ft) {
18 for(auto &fe : FunExp) {
19 let_op_prepend(fe, 0, item);
20 let_op_prepend(fe, 1, 0);
21 }
22 }
24 int nt = ft.nops();
25 for(int i=0; i<nt; i++) {
26 auto FunExp2 = FunExp;
27 FunExp.clear();
28 FunExp.shrink_to_fit();
29 for(auto fe : FunExp2) {
30 auto ft2 = fe.op(0).op(0);
31 if(!fe.op(1).op(0).is_equal(0)) throw Error("SecDec::ChengWu exponent is NOT 0.");
34 auto fes = ChengWu::Apply(fe, ft2);
35 for(auto fe2 : fes) {
36 let_op_remove_first(fe2, 0);
37 let_op_remove_first(fe2, 1);
38 FunExp.push_back(fe2);
39 }
40 }
41 }
42 } else {
43 if(is_a<lst>(ft)) FunExp = ChengWu::Apply(FunExp, ft.op(0));
44 else FunExp = ChengWu::Apply(FunExp, ft);
45 //remove the first item in op(0) and op(1)
46 for(auto &fe : FunExp) {
49 }
50 }
51 }
61 exvector ChengWu::Apply(const exvector & fe_vec, const ex & ft) {
62 exvector ret_fe_vec;
63 for(auto fe : fe_vec) {
64 ex cft = ft;
65 if(is_zero(cft)) {
66 if(fe.op(0).nops()>1) cft = fe.op(0).op(1);
67 else cft = 1;
68 }
69 if(fe.nops()<3 || xSign(cft)!=0 || cft.has(WRA(w))) {
70 let_op_prepend(fe, 0, 1);
71 let_op_prepend(fe, 1, 0);
72 ret_fe_vec.push_back(fe);
73 continue;
74 }
75 auto deltas = fe.op(2);
76 for(int di=0; di<deltas.nops(); di++) {
77 Projectivize(fe, deltas.op(di)); //make sure projective
78 }
79 let_op_prepend(fe, 0, cft);
80 let_op_prepend(fe, 1, 0);
81 auto ret = Evaluate(fe);
82 for(auto item : ret) ret_fe_vec.push_back(item);
83 }
85 return exvector(std::move(ret_fe_vec));
86 }
94 bool ChengWu::isProjective(const ex fe, const ex delta) {
95 static symbol s;
96 lst sRepl;
97 for(int j=0; j<delta.nops(); j++) sRepl.append(delta.op(j)==delta.op(j)*s);
98 ex over_all_sn = 0;
99 int nnn = fe.op(0).nops();
100 for(int i=0; i<nnn; i++) {
101 auto func = fe.op(0).op(i);
102 if(!func.has(x(w))) continue;
103 func = expand_ex(func.subs(sRepl),s);
104 auto sn = func.degree(s);
105 if(sn!=func.ldegree(s)) return false;
106 over_all_sn += sn*fe.op(1).op(i);
107 }
108 over_all_sn = normal(over_all_sn+delta.nops());
109 return over_all_sn.is_zero();
110 }
118 void ChengWu::Projectivize(ex &fe, const ex delta, const ex xsum_in) {
119 static symbol s;
120 lst sRepl;
121 for(int j=0; j<delta.nops(); j++) sRepl.append(delta.op(j)==delta.op(j)*s);
122 ex xsum = xsum_in;
123 if(xsum.is_zero()) {
124 for(auto xi : delta) xsum += xi;
125 }
127 ex over_all_sn = 0;
128 int nnn = fe.op(0).nops();
129 for(int i=0; i<nnn; i++) {
130 auto func = fe.op(0).op(i);
131 if(!func.has(x(w))) continue;
132 func = expand_ex(func.subs(sRepl),s);
133 auto sn = func.degree(s);
134 over_all_sn += sn*fe.op(1).op(i);
135 if(!is_a<add>(func)) func = lst{func};
136 ex tmp = 0;
137 for(auto ii : func) {
138 auto sni = ii.degree(s);
139 if(sni!=sn) tmp += ii.subs(s==1) * pow(xsum, sn-sni);
140 else tmp += ii.subs(s==1);
141 }
142 fe.let_op(0).let_op(i) = tmp;
143 }
145 over_all_sn = normal(over_all_sn+delta.nops());
146 if(!over_all_sn.is_zero()) {
147 let_op_append(fe, 0, xsum);
148 let_op_append(fe, 1, ex(0)-over_all_sn);
149 }
150 }
158 void ChengWu::Scalelize(ex &fe, const ex xi, const ex cy) {
159 if(is_a<lst>(xi)) Scalelize(fe, ex_to<lst>(xi), cy);
160 else Scalelize(fe, lst{xi}, cy);
161 }
169 void ChengWu::Scalelize(ex &fe, const lst xs, const ex cy) {
170 lst x2y, y2x;
171 for(auto xi : xs) {
172 if(cy.has(xi)) {
173 throw Error("Scalelize: cy has xi: " + ex2str(cy) + "/" + ex2str(xi));
174 }
175 auto yi = xi.subs(x(w)==y(w));
176 x2y.append(xi==cy*yi);
177 y2x.append(yi==xi);
178 }
179 auto nnn = fe.op(0).nops();
180 for(int i=0; i<nnn; i++) {
181 if(!fe.op(0).op(i).has(x(w))) continue;
182 auto tmp = fe.op(0).op(i).subs(x2y).subs(y2x);
183 tmp = exfactor(tmp);
184 tmp = numer_denom(tmp);
185 if(tmp.op(1).subs(x(w)==1)<0) {
186 tmp.let_op(0) = ex(0)-tmp.op(0);
187 tmp.let_op(1) = ex(0)-tmp.op(1);
188 }
189 fe.let_op(0).let_op(i) = tmp.op(0);
190 if(tmp.op(1)!=1) {
191 let_op_append(fe, 0, tmp.op(1));
192 let_op_append(fe, 1, ex(0)-fe.op(1).op(i));
193 }
194 }
196 ex det = exfactor(cy);
197 det = numer_denom(det);
198 if(det.op(1).subs(x(w)==1)<0) {
199 det.let_op(0) = ex(0)-det.op(0);
200 det.let_op(1) = ex(0)-det.op(1);
201 }
202 auto xn = xs.nops();
203 if(det.op(0)!=1) {
204 let_op_append(fe, 0, det.op(0));
205 let_op_append(fe, 1, xn);
206 }
207 if(det.op(1)!=1) {
208 let_op_append(fe, 0, det.op(1));
209 let_op_append(fe, 1, ex(0)-xn);
210 }
211 }
219 exvector ChengWu::Binarize(ex const fe, ex const eqn) {
220 exvector ovec;
221 Binarize(fe, eqn, ovec);
222 return exvector(std::move(ovec));
223 }
231 void ChengWu::Binarize(ex const fe, ex const eqn, exvector & ovec) {
232 auto xij = get_x_from(eqn);
233 if(xij.size()!=2) {
234 throw Error("Binarize: xij.size()!=2, " + ex2str(xij));
235 }
236 ex xi = xij[0];
237 ex xj = xij[1];
238 ex ci = eqn.coeff(xi);
239 ex cj = eqn.coeff(xj);
240 if(!((ci*xi+cj*xj-eqn).is_zero() && is_a<numeric>(ci * cj) && (ci*cj)<0)) {
241 throw Error("Binarize: ((ci*xi+cj*xj-eqn).is_zero() && is_a<numeric>(ci * cj) && (ci*cj)<0)");
242 }
244 bool pos1 = (ci>0);
246 ci = abs(ci);
247 cj = abs(cj);
248 symbol yi,yj;
249 // Part I: ci xi-cj xj>0, i.e., xi>cj/ci xj
250 auto f1 = ex_to<lst>(fe.op(0));
251 auto e1 = ex_to<lst>(fe.op(1));
252 ex c1 = cj/ci;
253 for(int i=0; i<f1.nops(); i++) {
254 f1.let_op(i) = f1.op(i).subs(lst{xi==c1*yj/(1+c1)+yi,xj==yj/(1+c1)}).subs(lst{yi==xi,yj==xj});
255 }
256 if(e1.op(0)==1) f1.let_op(0) = f1.op(0)/(1+c1); // Jaccobi
257 else if(e1.op(1)==1) f1.let_op(1) = f1.op(1)/(1+c1);
258 else {
259 f1.append(1/(1+c1));
260 e1.append(1);
261 }
262 auto fe1 = fe;
263 fe1.let_op(0) = f1;
264 fe1.let_op(1) = e1;
266 // Part II: ci xi-cj xj<0, i.e., i.e., xj>ci/cj xi
267 auto f2 = ex_to<lst>(fe.op(0));
268 auto e2 = ex_to<lst>(fe.op(1));
269 ex c2 = ci/cj;
270 for(int i=0; i<f2.nops(); i++) {
271 f2.let_op(i) = f2.op(i).subs(lst{xj==c2*yi/(1+c2)+yj,xi==yi/(1+c2)}).subs(lst{yi==xi,yj==xj});
272 }
273 if(e2.op(0)==1) f2.let_op(0) = f2.op(0)/(1+c2); // Jaccobi
274 else if(e2.op(1)==1) f2.let_op(1) = f2.op(1)/(1+c2);
275 else {
276 f2.append(1/(1+c2));
277 e2.append(1);
278 }
279 auto fe2 = fe;
280 fe2.let_op(0) = f2;
281 fe2.let_op(1) = e2;
283 // return vector
284 if(pos1) {
285 ovec.push_back(fe1);
286 ovec.push_back(fe2);
287 } else {
288 ovec.push_back(fe2);
289 ovec.push_back(fe1);
290 }
291 }
300 bool ChengWu::isLinearizable(const ex ft, const ex delta, lst & xcs) {
301 for(auto xi : delta) {
302 ex f = ft;
303 if(!f.has(xi) || f.degree(xi)!=1) continue;
304 auto cxi = f.coeff(xi);
305 f = f.subs(xi==0);
306 int cxi_sgn = xSign(cxi);
308 if(cxi_sgn!=0) {
309 if(cxi_sgn<0) cxi = ex(0)-cxi;
310 lst ret;
311 if(is_zero(f) || isLinearizable(f, delta, ret)) {
312 for(auto xc : ret) xcs.append(xc);
313 xcs.append(lst{xi, cxi});
314 return true;
315 }
316 }
317 }
318 return false;
319 }
327 void ChengWu::Linearize(const lst xcs_in, ex & fe, ex & ft) {
328 lst xcs = xcs_in;
329 ex inv_det = 1;
330 auto nnn = xcs.nops();
331 for(int i=0; i<nnn; i++) {
332 auto xi = xcs.op(i).op(0);
333 auto s = xcs.op(i).op(1);
334 auto yi = xi.subs(x(w)==y(w));
335 inv_det *= s;
336 xcs.let_op(i).let_op(1) = yi/s;
337 for(int j=i+1; j<nnn; j++) {
338 xcs.let_op(j) = xcs.op(j).subs(xi==yi/s);
339 }
340 }
341 exmap x2y;
342 for(auto ss : xcs) x2y[ss.op(0)]=ss.op(1);
344 // rescaling ft
345 if(ft.has(x(w))) ft = ft.subs(x2y).subs(y(w)==x(w));
347 // rescaling each item
348 nnn = fe.op(0).nops();
349 for(int i=0; i<nnn; i++) {
350 if(!fe.op(0).op(i).has(x(w))) continue;
351 auto tmp = fe.op(0).op(i).subs(x2y);
352 tmp = tmp.subs(y(w)==x(w));
353 auto num_den = numer_denom(tmp);
354 if(num_den.op(1).subs(x(w)==1)<0) {
355 num_den.let_op(0) = ex(0)-num_den.op(0);
356 num_den.let_op(1) = ex(0)-num_den.op(1);
357 }
358 fe.let_op(0).let_op(i) = num_den.op(0);
359 if(num_den.op(1)!=1) {
360 let_op_append(fe, 0, num_den.op(1));
361 let_op_append(fe, 1, ex(0)-fe.op(1).op(i));
362 }
363 }
365 // determinant
366 inv_det = inv_det.subs(y(w)==x(w));
367 auto idet_num_den = numer_denom(inv_det);
368 if(idet_num_den.op(1).subs(x(w)==1)<0) {
369 idet_num_den.let_op(0) = ex(0)-idet_num_den.op(0);
370 idet_num_den.let_op(1) = ex(0)-idet_num_den.op(1);
371 }
372 if(idet_num_den.op(0)!=1) {
373 let_op_append(fe, 0, idet_num_den.op(0));
374 let_op_append(fe, 1, -1);
375 }
376 if(idet_num_den.op(1)!=1) {
377 let_op_append(fe, 0, idet_num_den.op(1));
378 let_op_append(fe, 1, 1);
379 }
380 }
396 bool ChengWu::isPartilizable(const ex ft, const ex delta, lst &xcs, int mode) {
397 for(auto xi : delta) {
398 if(!ft.has(xi) || ft.degree(xi)!=1) continue;
400 auto cxi = ft.coeff(xi);
401 int cxi_sgn = xSign(cxi);
402 auto re_ft = ft.subs(xi==0);
404 if(cxi_sgn!=0) {
405 if(cxi_sgn<0) cxi = ex(0)-cxi;
407 lst ret;
408 ret.append(lst{xi, cxi});
409 if(is_zero(re_ft) || isPartilizable(re_ft, delta, ret, mode)) { // mode=0
410 for(int i=0; i<ret.nops(); i++) xcs.append(ret.op(i));
411 return true;
412 }
414 if((mode>0) && (xSign(re_ft)!=0)) { // mode=1: x_i P_i + G_0, with P_i and G_0 same-sign
415 xcs.append(lst{xi, cxi});
416 if(re_ft.subs(x(w)==1)<0) re_ft = ex(0)-re_ft;
417 xcs.append(lst{0, re_ft});
418 return true;
419 } else if(mode>1) { // mode=2: x_i P_i + G_0, with P-i same-sign, G_0 ~ (xm-xn)^n
420 auto fflst = SecDec::XRefined_lst(re_ft);
421 if(fflst.nops()==1) {
422 symbol s;
423 auto ff = fflst.op(0).subs(x(w)==s*x(w));
424 if(get_x_from(ff).size()==2 && ff.degree(s)==1 && ff.ldegree(s)==1) {
425 xcs.append(lst{xi, cxi});
426 xcs.append(lst{0, fflst.op(0)});
427 return true;
428 }
429 }
430 }
431 } else if(mode>2) {
432 lst bilst;
433 auto cclst = SecDec::XRefined_lst(cxi);
434 if(cclst.nops()==1) {
435 symbol s;
436 auto cc = cclst.op(0).subs(x(w)==s*x(w));
437 if(get_x_from(cc).size()==2 && cc.degree(s)==1 && cc.ldegree(s)==1) {
438 bilst.append(lst{0, cclst.op(0)});
439 }
440 } else continue;
441 if(bilst.nops()!=1) continue;
443 if(mode==3 && xSign(re_ft)!=0) {
444 // mode=3: x_i P_i + x_0 G_0 + Q_0, with P-i same-sign, G_0 ~ (xm-xn)^n & Q_0 same-sign
445 xcs.append(bilst.op(0));
446 return true;
447 }
449 if(mode==4) {
450 // mode=4: x_i P_i + x_0 G_0 + Q_0, with P-i same-sign, G_0~(xm-xn)^n & Q_0~(xm'-xn')^n'
451 auto fflst = SecDec::XRefined_lst(re_ft);
452 if(fflst.nops()==1) {
453 symbol s;
454 auto ff = fflst.op(0).subs(x(w)==s*x(w));
455 if(get_x_from(ff).size()==2 && ff.degree(s)==1 && ff.ldegree(s)==1) {
456 bilst.append(lst{0, fflst.op(0)});
457 }
458 } else continue;
459 if(bilst.nops()!=2) continue;
461 bool ok = true;
462 for(auto ii : get_x_from(bilst.op(0))) {
463 if(bilst.op(1).has(ii)) {
464 ok = false;
465 break;
466 }
467 }
468 if(ok) {
469 xcs.append(bilst.op(0));
470 xcs.append(bilst.op(1));
471 return true;
472 }
473 }
474 }
476 // TODO: other modes
477 }
478 return false;
479 }
488 void ChengWu::Partilize(const lst xcs, const lst delta_in, const ex fe_in, exvector & ret_lst) {
489 if(Verbose>10) {
490 cout << PRE << "\\--" << Color_HighLight << "ChengWu @xcs=" << xcs.nops() << RESET << endl;
491 }
492 lst ret = xcs;
493 auto fe = fe_in;
494 auto delta = delta_in;
495 auto ilast = ret.nops()-1;
496 ex inv_det = 1;
497 if(is_zero(get_op(ret,ilast,0))) {
498 lst rep_xs;
499 for(int i=ilast-1; i>=0; i--) rep_xs.append(get_op(ret,i,0));
500 ex xfi=0;
501 for(auto xi : delta) {
502 if(!rep_xs.has(xi) && !get_op(ret,ilast,1).has(xi)) {
503 xfi = xi;
504 break;
505 }
506 }
507 if(is_zero(xfi)) {
508 ex xs0=0;
509 for(auto xi : delta) {
510 if(!rep_xs.has(xi)) {
511 xs0 = xi;
512 break;
513 }
514 }
515 if(is_zero(xs0)) throw Error("Partilize: (xs0.is_zero())");
516 xfi = x(x_free_index(fe));
517 delta.append(xfi);
518 int dlti = -1;
519 for(int i=0; i<fe.op(2).nops(); i++) {
520 if(fe.op(2).op(i).has(xs0)) {
521 dlti = i;
522 break;
523 }
524 }
525 if(dlti<0) throw Error("Partilize: dlti<0 found.");
526 let_op_append(fe, 2, dlti, xfi);
527 let_op_append(fe, 0, xs0);
528 let_op_append(fe, 0, xfi+xs0);
529 let_op_append(fe, 1, 1);
530 let_op_append(fe, 1, -2);
531 }
533 let_op(ret, ilast, 0, xfi);
534 for(int i=ilast-1; i>=0; i--) let_op(ret, i, 1, get_op(ret,i,1)*xfi);
535 }
536 lst rm_xs;
537 for(int i=ilast; i>=0; i--) {
538 auto xi = ret.op(i).op(0);
539 rm_xs.append(xi);
540 auto yi = xi.subs(x(w)==y(w));
541 auto s = ret.op(i).op(1);
542 inv_det *= s;
543 ret.let_op(i).let_op(1) = yi/s;
544 for(int j=i-1; j>=0; j--) {
545 ret.let_op(j) = ret.op(j).subs(xi==yi/s);
546 }
547 }
548 lst x2y;
549 for(auto ss : ret) x2y.append(ss.op(0)==ss.op(1));
551 auto nnn = fe.op(0).nops();
552 for(int i=0; i<nnn; i++) {
553 if(!fe.op(0).op(i).has(x(w))) continue;
554 auto tmp = exfactor(fe.op(0).op(i).subs(x2y));
555 tmp = tmp.subs(y(w)==x(w));
556 auto num_den = numer_denom(tmp);
557 if(num_den.op(1).subs(x(w)==1)<0) {
558 num_den.let_op(0) = ex(0)-num_den.op(0);
559 num_den.let_op(1) = ex(0)-num_den.op(1);
560 }
561 fe.let_op(0).let_op(i) = num_den.op(0);
562 if(num_den.op(1)!=1) {
563 let_op_append(fe, 0, num_den.op(1));
564 let_op_append(fe, 1, ex(0)-fe.op(1).op(i));
565 }
566 }
568 inv_det = exfactor(inv_det.subs(y(w)==x(w)));
569 auto idet_num_den = numer_denom(inv_det);
570 if(idet_num_den.op(1).subs(x(w)==1)<0) {
571 idet_num_den.let_op(0) = ex(0)-idet_num_den.op(0);
572 idet_num_den.let_op(1) = ex(0)-idet_num_den.op(1);
573 }
574 if(idet_num_den.op(0)!=1) {
575 let_op_append(fe, 0, idet_num_den.op(0));
576 let_op_append(fe, 1, -1);
577 }
578 if(idet_num_den.op(1)!=1) {
579 let_op_append(fe, 0, idet_num_den.op(1));
580 let_op_append(fe, 1, 1);
581 }
583 if(!isProjective(fe,delta)) {
584 ex re_xi = 0;
585 for(auto xi : delta) {
586 if(!rm_xs.has(xi)) {
587 re_xi = xi;
588 break;
589 }
590 }
591 if(is_zero(re_xi)) {
592 cout << "xcs = " << xcs << endl;
593 cout << "fe = " << fe_in << endl;
594 throw Error("Partilize: rm_xs = " + ex2str(rm_xs) + " & delta = " + ex2str(delta));
595 }
596 Projectivize(fe, delta, re_xi);
597 }
599 auto new_ft = SecDec::XRefined(get_op(fe, 0, 0));
600 symbol ss;
601 auto sft = new_ft.subs(x(w)==ss*x(w));
602 if(sft.degree(ss)!=1 || sft.ldegree(ss)!=1) throw Error("Partilize: ldegree/degree is NOT 1.");
603 auto rxs = get_x_from(new_ft);
604 lst xPos, xNeg;
605 ex sPos=0, sNeg=0;
606 for(auto xi : rxs) {
607 auto ci = new_ft.coeff(xi);
608 if(ci>0) {
609 xPos.append(xi); sPos += xi*ci;
610 } else {
611 xNeg.append(xi); sNeg -= xi*ci;
612 }
613 }
614 if(is_zero(sPos*sNeg)) throw Error("Partilize: sPos * sNeg = 0");
615 ex px = 0;
616 ex nx = 0;
617 for(int i=rm_xs.nops(); i>0; i--) {
618 auto xi = rm_xs.op(i-1);
619 if(is_zero(nx) && xNeg.has(xi)) nx = xi;
620 else if(is_zero(px) && xPos.has(xi)) px = xi;
621 if(!is_zero(px) && !is_zero(nx)) break;
622 }
623 if(sNeg<sPos) {
624 ex s = sNeg/nx;
625 if(s!=1) Scalelize(fe,xPos,s);
626 s = sPos/px;
627 if(s!=1) Scalelize(fe,nx,s);
628 } else {
629 ex s = sPos/px;
630 if(s!=1) Scalelize(fe,xNeg,s);
631 s = sNeg/nx;
632 if(s!=1) Scalelize(fe,px,s);
633 }
634 ex eqn = px-nx;
635 auto bilst = Binarize(fe, eqn);
636 for(auto item : bilst) {
637 if(!isProjective(item,delta)) throw Error("Partilize: something is wrong here.");
638 let_op(item, 0, 0, 1);
639 ret_lst.push_back(item);
640 }
641 }
648 exvector ChengWu::Evaluate(const ex & in_fe) {
649 exvector fe_lst, ret_lst;
650 fe_lst.push_back(in_fe);
651 static int total_modes = 5;
652 while(true) {
653 exvector fe_lst2;
654 for(int i=0; i<fe_lst.size(); i++) {
655 auto fe = fe_lst[i];
656 auto ft = get_op(fe, 0, 0);
658 // make sure, otherwise Projectivise may change things
659 if(!get_op(fe, 1, 0).is_zero()) {
660 throw Error("Evaluate: (!get_op(fe, 1, 0).is_zero())");
661 }
662 ft = SecDec::XRefined(ft);
664 if(fe.nops()<3 || xSign(ft)!=0) {
665 let_op(fe, 0, 0, 1);
666 ret_lst.push_back(fe);
667 goto ok_label;
668 }
670 // loop modes and deltas
671 for(int mode=0; mode<total_modes; mode++) {
672 for(int di=0; di<fe.op(2).nops(); di++) {
673 lst delta = ex_to<lst>(fe.op(2).op(di));
674 if(delta.nops()<2) continue;
676 lst ret;
677 if(mode==0 && isPartilizable(ft, delta, ret, mode)) {
678 Partilize(ret, delta, fe, ret_lst);
679 goto ok_label;
680 }
682 ret.remove_all();
683 if(mode==1 && isPartilizable(ft, delta, ret, mode)) {
684 Partilize(ret, delta, fe, ret_lst);
685 goto ok_label;
686 }
688 ret.remove_all();
689 if(mode==2 && isPartilizable(ft, delta, ret, mode)) {
690 auto bilst = Binarize(fe, get_op(ret, ret.nops()-1, 1));
691 for(auto item : bilst) fe_lst2.push_back(item);
692 goto ok_label;
693 }
695 ret.remove_all();
696 if(mode==3 && isPartilizable(ft, delta, ret, mode)) {
697 auto bilst = Binarize(fe, get_op(ret, ret.nops()-1, 1));
698 for(auto item : bilst) fe_lst2.push_back(item);
699 goto ok_label;
700 }
702 ret.remove_all();
703 if(mode==4 && isPartilizable(ft, delta, ret, mode)) {
704 auto eq1 = get_op(ret, ret.nops()-1, 1);
705 auto eq2 = get_op(ret, ret.nops()-2, 1);
706 for(auto item : Binarize(fe, eq1)) {
707 for(auto ii : Binarize(item, eq2)) fe_lst2.push_back(ii);
708 }
709 goto ok_label;
710 }
712 //TODO: other mode
714 }}
715 let_op(fe, 0, 0, 2);
716 ret_lst.push_back(fe);
718 ok_label: ;
719 }
720 if(fe_lst2.size()<1) break;
721 fe_lst = fe_lst2;
722 }
724 return exvector(std::move(ret_lst));
725 }
727 namespace {
728 int maxn(const ex pols, const ex xi) {
729 int max_xn = -1;
730 for(auto item : pols) {
731 auto cxn = item.degree(xi);
732 if(max_xn<cxn) max_xn = cxn;
733 }
734 return max_xn;
735 }
736 }
743 exvector ChengWu::WickRotation(const exvector & fe_vec) {
744 exvector ret_vec, run_vec, run2_vec;
745 run_vec = fe_vec;
746 ReRun:
747 for(auto fe : run_vec) {
748 ex ft = fe.op(0).op(1);
749 auto xs = get_x_from(ft);
751 // Case: x(cx!=0) + (c0!=0)
752 for(auto xi : xs) {
753 auto ftx = collect_ex(ft,xi);
754 auto c0 = ftx.subs(xi==0);
756 auto cx = ftx-c0;
757 if(xSign(cx)!=0) {
758 if(xSign(c0)!=0) {
759 auto max_xn = maxn(fe.op(0),xi)+1;
760 auto wra = WRA(-xSign(cx) * Pi/max_xn);
761 fe.let_op(0) = fe.op(0).subs(xi==exp(I*wra)*xi);
762 if(fe.op(1).op(0)!=1) throw Error("WickRotation: fe.op(0).op(0)!=1.");
763 fe.let_op(0).let_op(0) = fe.op(0).op(0) * exp(I*wra);
764 ret_vec.push_back(fe);
765 goto next_fe;
766 } else {
767 auto item = SecDec::XRefined(c0);
768 auto xs2 = get_x_from(item);
769 for(auto xi2 : xs2) {
770 if(item.degree(xi2)!=1) continue;
771 auto xc0 = item.subs(xi2==0);
772 auto xc1 = item.coeff(xi2);
773 if(xSign(xc0)*xSign(xc1)<0) {
774 ex xx = 0;
775 for(auto xi3 : xs2) {
776 if(xi3==xi || xi3==xi2) continue;
777 xx = xi3;
778 break;
779 }
780 if(is_zero(xx)) continue;
781 Scalelize(fe,xi2,-xc0/xc1/xx);
782 auto bfe = Binarize(fe, xi2-xx);
783 for(auto item2 : bfe) run2_vec.push_back(item2);
784 goto next_fe;
785 }
786 }
787 }
788 }
789 }
791 // Case: a*x^2+b*x+c with a*c<0 or b*c>0
792 for(auto xi : xs) {
793 auto ftx = collect_ex(ft,xi);
794 if(ftx.degree(xi)!=2) continue;
796 auto c0 = ftx.coeff(xi,0);
797 auto c1 = ftx.coeff(xi,1);
798 auto c2 = ftx.coeff(xi,2);
800 if(xSign(c2) * xSign(c0) <0) {
801 if(xSign(c1)!=0) {
802 auto max_xn = maxn(fe.op(0),xi)+1;
803 auto wra = WRA(-xSign(c2) * Pi/max_xn);
804 fe.let_op(0) = fe.op(0).subs(xi==exp(I*wra)*xi);
805 fe.let_op(0).let_op(1) = c2*pow(xi,2)*exp(I*wra)+c1*xi+c0*exp(-I*wra);
806 if(fe.op(1).op(0)!=1) throw Error("WickRotation: fe.op(0).op(0)!=1.");
807 fe.let_op(0).let_op(0) = fe.op(0).op(0) * exp(I*wra*(1+fe.op(1).op(1)));
808 ret_vec.push_back(fe);
809 goto next_fe;
810 } else {
811 auto item = SecDec::XRefined(c1);
812 auto xs2 = get_x_from(item);
813 for(auto xi2 : xs2) {
814 if(item.degree(xi2)!=1) continue;
815 auto xc0 = item.subs(xi2==0);
816 auto xc1 = item.coeff(xi2);
817 if(xSign(xc0)*xSign(xc1)<0) {
818 ex xx = 0;
819 for(auto xi3 : xs2) {
820 if(xi3==xi || xi3==xi2) continue;
821 xx = xi3;
822 break;
823 }
824 if(is_zero(xx)) continue;
825 Scalelize(fe,xi2,-xc0/xc1/xx);
826 auto bfe = Binarize(fe, xi2-xx);
827 for(auto item2 : bfe) run2_vec.push_back(item2);
828 goto next_fe;
829 }
830 }
831 }
832 }
834 if(xSign(c1) * xSign(c0) >0) {
835 if(xSign(c2)!=0) {
836 auto max_xn = maxn(fe.op(0),xi)+1;
837 auto wra = WRA(xSign(c0) * Pi/max_xn);
838 fe.let_op(0) = fe.op(0).subs(xi==exp(I*wra)*xi);
839 fe.let_op(0).let_op(1) = c2*pow(xi,2)+c1*xi*exp(-I*wra)+c0*exp(-2*I*wra);
840 if(fe.op(1).op(0)!=1) throw Error("WickRotation: fe.op(0).op(0)!=1.");
841 fe.let_op(0).let_op(0) = fe.op(0).op(0) * exp(I*wra*(1+2*fe.op(1).op(1)));
842 ret_vec.push_back(fe);
843 goto next_fe;
844 } else {
845 auto item = SecDec::XRefined(c2);
846 auto xs2 = get_x_from(item);
847 for(auto xi2 : xs2) {
848 if(item.degree(xi2)!=1) continue;
849 auto xc0 = item.subs(xi2==0);
850 auto xc1 = item.coeff(xi2);
851 if(xSign(xc0)*xSign(xc1)<0) {
852 ex xx = 0;
853 for(auto xi3 : xs2) {
854 if(xi3==xi || xi3==xi2) continue;
855 xx = xi3;
856 break;
857 }
858 if(is_zero(xx)) continue;
859 Scalelize(fe,xi2,-xc0/xc1/xx);
860 auto bfe = Binarize(fe, xi2-xx);
861 for(auto item2 : bfe) run2_vec.push_back(item2);
862 goto next_fe;
863 }
864 }
865 }
866 }
868 auto c0x = Factor(c0);
869 if(is_a<mul>(c0x)) {
870 ex cc = 1;
871 for(auto item : c0x) {
872 if(!is_a<numeric>(item) && !item.match(x(w))) cc *= item;
873 }
874 c0x = cc;
875 }
876 if(Factor(c0x).match(pow(w,2))) {
877 auto item = SecDec::XRefined(c0x);
878 auto xs2 = get_x_from(item);
879 for(auto xi2 : xs2) {
880 if(item.degree(xi2)!=1) continue;
881 auto xc0 = item.subs(xi2==0);
882 auto xc1 = item.coeff(xi2);
883 if(xSign(xc0)*xSign(xc1)<0) {
884 ex xx = 0;
885 for(auto xi3 : xs2) {
886 if(xi3==xi || xi3==xi2) continue;
887 xx = xi3;
888 break;
889 }
890 if(is_zero(xx)) continue;
891 Scalelize(fe,xi2,-xc0/xc1/xx);
892 auto bfe = Binarize(fe, xi2-xx);
893 for(auto item2 : bfe) run2_vec.push_back(item2);
894 goto next_fe;
895 }
896 }
897 }
898 }
900 ret_vec.push_back(fe);
901 next_fe: ;
902 }
903 if(run2_vec.size()>0) {
904 run_vec = run2_vec;
905 run2_vec.clear();
906 goto ReRun;
907 }
908 return exvector(std::move(ret_vec));
909 }
#define RESET
Definition BASIC.h:79
SecDec header file.
class used to wrap error message
Definition BASIC.h:242
static bool isPartilizable(const ex ft, const ex delta, lst &xcs, int mode=0)
isPartilize w.r.t. F-term, generized to isLinearizable
Definition ChengWu.cpp:396
static bool isLinearizable(const ex ft, const ex delta, lst &xcs)
Linearize w.r.t. F-term.
Definition ChengWu.cpp:300
static exvector Apply(const exvector &fe_vec, const ex &ft=0)
ChengWu-rized on the vector of fe, note that 1st element of the output, which needs to be droped,...
Definition ChengWu.cpp:61
static exvector Binarize(ex const fe, ex const eqn)
Binarize the input fe, w.r.t. the linear eqn.
Definition ChengWu.cpp:219
static void Projectivize(ex &fe, const ex delta, const ex xsum=0)
to Projectivize the input fe, the fe will be updated
Definition ChengWu.cpp:118
static void Partilize(const lst xcs, const lst delta, const ex fe, exvector &ret_lst)
Partilize function, generized to Linearize.
Definition ChengWu.cpp:488
static void Scalelize(ex &fe, const lst xs, const ex cy)
to Scalelize the input fe, the fe will be updated
Definition ChengWu.cpp:169
static bool isProjective(const ex fe, const ex delta)
to check the input fe is Projective or NOT w.r.t. delta
Definition ChengWu.cpp:94
static exvector Evaluate(const ex &fe)
ChengWu Internal, make sure ft in the first term, ONLY appear in ChengWu.cpp.
Definition ChengWu.cpp:648
static void Linearize(const lst xcs, ex &fe, ex &ft)
Linearize w.r.t. xcs_in.
Definition ChengWu.cpp:327
static exvector WickRotation(const exvector &fe_vec)
WickRotation, just check WRA exist or NOT to see successful or NOT. Still Experimental.
Definition ChengWu.cpp:743
static lst XRefined_lst(ex const &ft)
Definition Helpers.cpp:392
static ex XRefined(ex const &ft)
Definition Helpers.cpp:369
void ChengWu(const ex &ft=0)
ChengWu for SecDec class.
Definition ChengWu.cpp:14
exvector FunExp
Definition SD.h:426
namespace for Numerical integration with Sector Decomposition method
Definition AsyMB.cpp:10
int x_free_index(ex expr)
Definition Helpers.cpp:165
exvector get_x_from(ex pol)
Definition Helpers.cpp:29
ex Factor(const ex expr_in)
Definition Helpers.cpp:244
ex expand_ex(ex const &expr_in, std::function< bool(const ex &)> has_func)
the expand like Mathematica
Definition BASIC.cpp:1188
const char * Color_HighLight
Definition BASIC.cpp:248
ex exfactor(const ex &expr_in, int opt)
factorize a expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1854
void let_op_prepend(ex &ex_in, const ex item)
preppend item into expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1335
void let_op(ex &ex_in, int index1, int index2, const ex item)
update index1-th.index2-th of expression with item
Definition BASIC.cpp:1560
ex collect_ex(ex const &expr_in, std::function< bool(const ex &)> has_func, int opt)
the collect function like Mathematica
Definition BASIC.cpp:1202
ex w
Definition Init.cpp:93
ex get_op(const ex ex_in, int index1, int index2)
return index1-th.index2-th of expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1606
int Verbose
Definition Init.cpp:142
void let_op_append(ex &ex_in, const ex item)
append item into expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1324
string ex2str(const ex &expr)
convert ex to output string, the defalut printer format will be used
Definition BASIC.cpp:715
void let_op_remove_first(ex &ex_in)
remove first from expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:1355
int xSign(ex const expr)
the always sign for expr
Definition BASIC.cpp:1312
string PRE
Definition Init.cpp:143
ex subs(const ex &e, init_list sl)
Definition BASIC.h:51