No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
6#include "HEP.h"
8namespace HepLib {
10 //-----------------------------------------------------------
11 // Eps Class
12 //-----------------------------------------------------------
13 //GINAC_IMPLEMENT_REGISTERED_CLASS_OPT(Eps, basic,print_func<print_dflt>(&Eps::print).print_func<FormFormat>(&Eps::form_print).print_func<FCFormat>(&Eps::fc_print))
14 GiNaC::registered_class_info & Eps::get_class_info_static() { return reg_info; }
16 Eps * Eps::duplicate() const { Eps * bp = new Eps(*this); bp->setflag(GiNaC::status_flags::dynallocated); return bp; }
17 void Eps::accept(GiNaC::visitor & v) const { if (visitor *p = dynamic_cast<visitor *>(&v)) p->visit(*this); else inherited::accept(v); }
18 const GiNaC::registered_class_info &Eps::get_class_info() const { return get_class_info_static(); }
19 GiNaC::registered_class_info &Eps::get_class_info() { return get_class_info_static(); }
20 const char *Eps::class_name() const { return get_class_info_static().options.get_name(); }
27 Eps::Eps(const Vector &x1, const Vector &x2, const Vector &x3, const Vector &x4) : pis{x1,x2,x3,x4} { }
28 Eps::Eps(const Vector &x1, const Vector &x2, const Vector &x3, const Index &x4) : pis{x1,x2,x3,x4} { }
29 Eps::Eps(const Vector &x1, const Vector &x2, const Index &x3, const Index &x4) : pis{x1,x2,x3,x4} { }
30 Eps::Eps(const Vector &x1, const Index &x2, const Index &x3, const Index &x4) : pis{x1,x2,x3,x4} { }
31 Eps::Eps(const Index &x1, const Index &x2, const Index &x3, const Index &x4) : pis{x1,x2,x3,x4} { }
32 Eps::Eps(vector<Vector> vs, vector<Index> is) {
33 pis.resize(vs.size()+is.size());
34 int i=0;
35 for(auto vi : vs) pis[i++] = vi;
36 for(auto ii : is) pis[i++] = ii;
37 }
38 Eps::Eps(const exvector & pis0) {
39 int n = pis0.size();
40 pis.resize(n);
41 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) pis[i] = pis0[i];
42 }
44 int Eps::compare_same_type(const basic &other) const {
45 if(!is_a<Eps>(other)) throw Error("Eps::compare_same_type");
46 const Eps &o = static_cast<const Eps &>(other);
47 int n = pis.size();
48 int no = o.pis.size();
49 if(n!=no) return n>no ? 1 : -1;
50 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
51 auto c = pis[i].compare(o.pis[i]);
52 if(c!=0) return c;
53 }
54 return 0;
55 }
57 bool Eps::is_equal_same_type(const basic & other) const {
58 if(!is_a<Eps>(other)) throw Error("Eps::is_equal_same_type");
59 const Eps &o = static_cast<const Eps &>(other);
60 int n = pis.size();
61 int no = o.pis.size();
62 if(n!=no) return false;
63 for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
64 if(!pis[i].is_equal(o.pis[i])) return false;
65 }
66 return true;
67 }
69 ex Eps::eval() const {
70 if(flags & status_flags::evaluated) return *this;
71 int n = pis.size();
72 if(n==4) {
73 bool ok = true;
74 int ii = 4;
75 for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
76 if(!is_a<Vector>(pis[i]) && !is_a<Index>(pis[i])) ok = false;
77 else if(is_a<Vector>(pis[i]) && ii!=4) ok = false; // Vector after Index
78 else if(is_a<Index>(pis[i]) && ii==4) ii = i;
79 if(!ok) break;
80 }
81 if(!ok) return LC(pis[0],pis[1],pis[2],pis[3]);
83 const ex* pis_a = pis.data();
84 if(isSorted(ii,pis_a) && isSorted(4-ii,pis_a+ii)) return this->hold();
85 else {
86 ex pis2[4];
87 for(int i=0; i<4; i++) pis2[i] = pis[i];
88 int ac1 = ACSort(ii,pis2);
89 int ac2 = ACSort(4-ii,pis2+ii);
90 if(ac1 * ac2==0) return 0;
91 return ac1 * ac2 * LC(pis2[0],pis2[1],pis2[2],pis2[3]);
92 }
93 } else return this->hold();
94 }
96 void Eps::print(const print_dflt &c, unsigned level) const {
97 int n = pis.size();
98 c.s << "\u03B5" << "(";
99 for(int i=0; i<n-1; i++) c.s << pis[i] << ",";
100 c.s << pis[n-1] << ")";
101 }
112 void Eps::form_print(const FormFormat &c, unsigned level) const {
113 int n = pis.size();
114 if(n==4) c << "(i_*"; // only multiple i for gamma5
115 c << "e_(";
116 for(int i=0; i<n-1; i++) c << pis[i] << ",";
117 c << pis[n-1] << ")";
118 if(n==4) c << ")";
119 }
121 void Eps::fc_print(const FCFormat &c, unsigned level) const {
122 int n = pis.size();
123 if(n==4) {
124 c << "LCD[";
125 bool first = true;
126 for(int i=3; i>=0; i--) {
127 if(is_a<Vector>(pis[i]) && first) {
128 c << "][";
129 first = false;
130 }
131 c << pis[i];
133 if(i==0) c << "]";
134 else if(!first || !is_a<Vector>(pis[i-1])) c << ",";
135 }
136 if(first) c << "[]";
137 }
138 }
140 size_t Eps::nops() const { return pis.size(); }
141 ex Eps::op(size_t i) const {
142 return pis[i];
143 }
144 ex & Eps::let_op(size_t i) {
145 ensure_if_modifiable();
146 return pis[i];
147 }
149 void Eps::archive(archive_node & n) const {
150 inherited::archive(n);
151 int nn = pis.size();
152 n.add_ex("size", nn);
153 for(int i=0; i<nn; i++) n.add_ex("pis"+to_string(i), pis[i]);
154 }
156 void Eps::read_archive(const archive_node& n) {
157 inherited::read_archive(n);
158 ex nex;
159 n.find_ex("size", nex);
160 int nn = ex_to<numeric>(nex).to_int();
161 if(pis.size()!=nn) pis.resize(nn);
162 for(int i=0; i<nn; i++) {
163 n.find_ex("pis"+to_string(i), pis[i]);
164 }
165 }
167 ex Eps::derivative(const symbol & s) const {
168 return 0;
169 }
179 ex LC(ex pi1, ex pi2, ex pi3, ex pi4) {
180 bool isEps = true;
181 lst pis = lst {pi1, pi2, pi3, pi4};
182 for(auto pi : pis) {
183 if(!is_a<Vector>(pi) && !is_a<Index>(pi)) {
184 isEps = false;
185 break;
186 }
187 }
189 if(isEps) {
190 vector<Vector> vs;
191 vector<Index> is;
192 ex sign = 1;
193 for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
194 if(is_a<Vector>(pis.op(i))) {
195 vs.push_back(ex_to<Vector>(pis.op(i)));
196 sign *= pow(-1, is.size());
197 } else is.push_back(ex_to<Index>(pis.op(i)));
198 }
199 return sign*Eps(vs, is);
200 }
202 for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
203 auto pi = collect_lst(pis.op(i), [](const ex & e)->bool{return Index::has(e) || Vector::has(e);});
204 for(auto item : pi) { // check
205 if(!is_a<Vector>(item.op(1)) && !is_a<Index>(item.op(1))) {
206 cout << "pi = " << pi << endl;
207 throw Error("LC Error: there is no Index or Vector.");
208 }
209 }
210 pis.let_op(i) = pi;
211 }
213 ex res = 0;
214 for(auto i0 : pis.op(0))
215 for(auto i1 : pis.op(1))
216 for(auto i2 : pis.op(2))
217 for(auto i3 : pis.op(3)) {
218 res += i0.op(0)*i1.op(0)*i2.op(0)*i3.op(0) * LC(i0.op(1), i1.op(1), i2.op(1), i3.op(1));
219 }
220 return res;
221 }
#define IMPLEMENT_HAS(classname)
Definition BASIC.h:24
#define DEFAULT_CTOR(classname)
Definition BASIC.h:21
#define IMPLEMENT_ALL(classname)
Definition BASIC.h:30
HEP header file.
virtual ~visitor()
Definition Eps.cpp:15
class for Levi-Civita object https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9783527630097....
Definition HEP.h:386
const char * class_name() const override
Definition Eps.cpp:20
ex eval() const override
Definition Eps.cpp:69
int compare_same_type(const GiNaC::basic &other) const override
Definition Eps.cpp:44
void fc_print(const FCFormat &c, unsigned level=0) const
Definition Eps.cpp:121
bool is_equal_same_type(const basic &other) const override
Definition Eps.cpp:57
ex op(size_t i) const override
Definition Eps.cpp:141
void form_print(const FormFormat &c, unsigned level=0) const
Eps in FORM format https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9783527630097.app3 to make Tr(g5,...
Definition Eps.cpp:112
Eps * duplicate() const override
Definition Eps.cpp:16
ex derivative(const symbol &s) const override
Definition Eps.cpp:167
void accept(GiNaC::visitor &v) const override
Definition Eps.cpp:17
void print(const print_dflt &c, unsigned level=0) const
Definition Eps.cpp:96
ex & let_op(size_t i) override
Definition Eps.cpp:144
void archive(archive_node &n) const override
Definition Eps.cpp:149
size_t nops() const override
Definition Eps.cpp:140
static GiNaC::registered_class_info & get_class_info_static()
Definition Eps.cpp:14
void read_archive(const archive_node &n) override
Definition Eps.cpp:156
exvector pis
Definition HEP.h:410
const GiNaC::registered_class_info & get_class_info() const override
Definition Eps.cpp:18
class used to wrap error message
Definition BASIC.h:242
class for FCFormat Output
Definition HEP.h:71
class for FormFormat Output
Definition HEP.h:44
class for index object
Definition HEP.h:104
class for vector object
Definition HEP.h:149
HepLib namespace.
Definition BASIC.cpp:17
bool isSorted(const lst &exs)
int ACSort(lst &exs)
const Symbol vs
lst collect_lst(ex const &expr_in, std::function< bool(const ex &)> has_func, int opt)
the collect function like Mathematica, reture the lst { {c1,v1}, {c2,v2}, ... }
Definition BASIC.cpp:1222
ex LC(ex pi1, ex pi2, ex pi3, ex pi4)
function similar to LCD in FeynCalc
Definition Eps.cpp:179