HEP header file. More...
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Classes | |
class | HepLib::FormFormat |
class for FormFormat Output More... | |
class | HepLib::FCFormat |
class for FCFormat Output More... | |
class | HepLib::Index |
class for index object More... | |
class | HepLib::Index::visitor |
class | HepLib::Vector |
class for vector object More... | |
class | HepLib::Vector::visitor |
class | HepLib::SUNT |
class for SUNT object More... | |
class | HepLib::SUNT::visitor |
class | HepLib::SUNF |
class for SUNF object More... | |
class | HepLib::SUNF::visitor |
class | HepLib::SUNF4 |
class for SUNF4 object More... | |
class | HepLib::SUNF4::visitor |
class | HepLib::Pair |
class for Pair object More... | |
class | HepLib::Pair::visitor |
class | HepLib::Eps |
class for Levi-Civita object https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/9783527630097.app3 to make Tr(g5, g1, g2, g3, g4) is the same in both HepLib & FORM, require that Eps(a,b,c,d) = i_ * e_(a,b,c,d) (we use the convention as in FeynCalc, Tr[5,a,b,c,d]=(- i) 4 Eps(a,b,c,d)=4 eps_(a,b,c,d)), and Eps^{0123}=+1, and g5=i g^{0123}=(-i) Eps(a,b,c,d) gamma(a,b,c,d)/4! Eps is real in HepLib, while e_ is imaginary in FORM. More... | |
class | HepLib::Eps::visitor |
class | HepLib::DGamma |
class for Dirac Gamma object More... | |
class | HepLib::DGamma::visitor |
class | HepLib::AsGamma |
class for AntiSymmetric Gamma object More... | |
class | HepLib::AsGamma::visitor |
struct | HepLib::AIOption |
Namespaces | |
namespace | HepLib |
HepLib namespace. | |
Functions | |
ex | HepLib::SP (const ex &a, bool use_map=false) |
ex | HepLib::SP (const ex &a, const ex &b, bool use_map) |
Function similar to SPD/FVD in FeynCalc. | |
ex | HepLib::sp (const ex &a, const ex &b) |
translated the vector dot a.b to a*b, useful in SecDec | |
ex | HepLib::sp (const ex &a) |
ex & | HepLib::letSP (const ex &p1, const ex &p2) |
return the reference of p1.p2 | |
ex & | HepLib::letSP (const ex &p) |
return the reference of p.p | |
void | HepLib::clearSP (const ex &p1, const ex &p2) |
delete the assignment of p1.p2 | |
void | HepLib::clearSP (const ex &p) |
delete the assignment of p.p | |
void | HepLib::clearSP () |
delete all assignment in SP_map | |
ex | HepLib::SP2sp (const ex &exin) |
convert SP(a,b) to sp(a,b) | |
exmap | HepLib::sp_map () |
the SP_map with SP(a,b) replaced to sp(a,b) | |
ex | HepLib::LC (ex pi1, ex pi2, ex pi3, ex pi4) |
function similar to LCD in FeynCalc | |
ex | HepLib::AsGamma_mul_right (const ex &expr, const ex &pi_in) |
ex | HepLib::AsGamma_mul_left (const ex &expr, const ex &pi_in) |
ex | HepLib::AsGamma_to (const ex &expr) |
ex | HepLib::GAS (const Vector &p, unsigned rl=0) |
ex | HepLib::GAS (const Index &i, unsigned rl=0) |
ex | HepLib::GAS (const ex &expr, unsigned rl) |
function similar to GAD/GSD in FeynClac | |
ex | HepLib::charge_conjugate (const ex &expr) |
make the charge conjugate operaton, M -> C^{-1} . M^T . C w.r.t. a GMat object | |
ex | HepLib::form (const ex &iexpr, int verb) |
evalulate expr in form program, see also the form_trace_mode and form_expand_mode | |
ex | HepLib::UnContract (const ex expr, const lst &loop_ps, const lst &ext_ps=lst{}) |
ex | HepLib::Contract (const ex &ei) |
ex | HepLib::TIR (const ex &expr_in, const lst &loop_ps, const lst &ext_ps) |
Tensor Index Reduction, note that we only handle numerator. | |
ex | HepLib::ncmul_expand (const ex &expr) |
ex | HepLib::GMatContract (const ex &expr_in) |
make contract on matrix, i.e., GMat(a,i1,i2)*GMat(b,i2,i3) -> GMat(a*b,i1,i3) | |
ex | HepLib::GMatExpand (const ex &expr_in) |
ex | HepLib::GMatShift (const ex &expr, const ex &g, bool to_right) |
ex | HepLib::GMatShift (const ex &expr) |
ex | HepLib::GMatSimplify (const ex &expr) |
ex | HepLib::Apart (const matrix &mat) |
Apart on matrix. | |
ex | HepLib::Apart (const ex &expr_ino, const lst &vars_in, exmap smap) |
Apart on ex. | |
ex | HepLib::Apart (const ex &expr_ino, const lst &loops, const lst &extps, exmap smap) |
Apart on ex. | |
ex | HepLib::ApartIR2ex (const ex &expr_in) |
convert ApartIR to ex | |
ex | HepLib::ApartIR2F (const ex &expr_in) |
convert ApartIR to F(ps, ns), ns is like FIRE convention | |
ex | HepLib::F2ex (const ex &expr_in) |
convert F(ps, ns) to normal ex, ns is like FIRE convention | |
ex | HepLib::ApartIRC (const ex &expr_in) |
complete the ApartIR elements | |
void | HepLib::ApartIBP (exvector &air_vec, int IBPmethod, const lst &loops, const lst &exts, const lst &cut_props, std::function< lst(const IBP &, const ex &)> uf) |
perform IBP reduction on the Aparted input | |
void | HepLib::ApartIBP (int IBPmethod, exvector &io_vec, const lst &loops, const lst &exts, const lst &cut_props=lst{}, std::function< lst(const IBP &, const ex &)> uf=LoopUF) |
exmap | HepLib::ApartRules (const exvector &airs, bool irc) |
void | HepLib::ApartIBP (exvector &air_vec, AIOption aio) |
perform IBP reduction on the Aparted input | |
bool | HepLib::IsZero (const ex &e) |
ex | HepLib::ToCF (const ex &e) |
ex | HepLib::ToCACF (const ex &e) |
ex | HepLib::HomCACF (const ex &e) |
ex | HepLib::DoColor (const ex &expr, const ex &pref, int method) |
ex | HepLib::A0 (const ex m2, int n, ex d) |
scalar integral A0, devided by (2pi)^(4-2ep) | |
Variables | |
exmap | HepLib::SP_map |
int | HepLib::form_trace_mode = form_trace_auto |
const int | HepLib::form_trace_auto = 0 |
const int | HepLib::form_trace_all = 1 |
const int | HepLib::form_trace_each_all = 2 |
const int | HepLib::form_trace_each_each = 3 |
int | HepLib::form_expand_mode = form_expand_tr |
const int | HepLib::form_expand_none = 0 |
const int | HepLib::form_expand_tr = 1 |
const int | HepLib::form_expand_ci = 2 |
const int | HepLib::form_expand_li = 3 |
const int | HepLib::form_expand_all = 4 |
bool | HepLib::Apart_using_fermat = true |
bool | HepLib::form_using_su3 = false |
bool | HepLib::form_using_dim4 = false |
bool | HepLib::form_using_gamma5 = false |
FCFormat | HepLib::fcout |
HEP header file.
Definition in file HEP.h.