No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
6#include "HEP.h"
8namespace HepLib {
10 namespace {
12 void AIR2F_Save(string save_dir, exvector air_vec, const lst & IntFs, vector<IBP*> &ibp_vec) {
13 auto rc = system(("mkdir -p "+save_dir+"/AIR2F").c_str());
14 rc = system(("rm -f "+save_dir+"/AIR2F/*.gar > /dev/null").c_str());
15 GiNaC_Parallel(air_vec.size(), [&air_vec,&save_dir](int idx) {
16 garWrite(air_vec[idx], save_dir+"/AIR2F/air-"+to_string(idx)+".gar");
17 return 0;
18 }, "AIR2F_AIR");
20 GiNaC_Parallel(ibp_vec.size(), [&ibp_vec,&save_dir](int idx) {
21 garWrite(ibp_vec[idx]->TO(), save_dir+"/AIR2F/ibp-"+to_string(idx)+".gar");
22 return 0;
23 }, "AIR2F_IBP");
25 ostringstream oss;
26 oss << air_vec.size() << " " << ibp_vec.size() << " " << IntFs.nops() << endl;
27 if(IntFs.nops()>0) {
28 oss << IntFs.op(0).op(1).nops() << endl;
29 for(auto const & f : IntFs) {
30 oss << f.op(0);
31 for(auto const & n : f.op(1)) oss << " " << n;
32 oss << endl;
33 }
34 }
35 auto oss_str = oss.str();
36 fstream ofs(save_dir+"/AIR2F.gar", fstream::out);
37 ofs.write(oss_str.c_str(), oss_str.size());
38 ofs.close();
39 }
41 void AIR2F_Get(string save_dir, exvector &air_vec, lst &IntFs, vector<IBP*> &ibp_vec, int IBPmethod) {
42 fstream ifs(save_dir+"/AIR2F.gar", fstream::in);
43 size_t nair, nibp, nf;
44 ifs >> nair >> nibp >> nf;
46 IntFs.remove_all();
47 if(nf>0) {
48 int nn;
49 ifs >> nn;
50 for(int i=0; i<nf; i++) {
51 int pn, ni;
52 ifs >> pn;
53 lst ns;
54 for(int j=0; j<nn; j++) {
55 ifs >> ni;
56 ns.append(ni);
57 }
58 IntFs.append(F(pn, ns));
59 }
60 }
62 for(int idx=0; idx<nair; idx++) {
63 air_vec[idx] = garRead(save_dir+"/AIR2F/air-"+to_string(idx)+".gar");
64 }
66 ibp_vec.resize(nibp);
67 for(int idx=0; idx<nibp; idx++) {
68 IBP* ibp;
69 if(IBPmethod==0) ibp = new IBP();
70 else if(IBPmethod==1) ibp = new FIRE();
71 else if(IBPmethod==2) ibp = new KIRA();
72 else if(IBPmethod==3) ibp = new UKIRA();
73 else ibp = new IBP();
74 ex ibp_from = garRead(save_dir+"/AIR2F/ibp-"+to_string(idx)+".gar");
75 ibp->FROM(ibp_from);
76 ibp_vec[idx] = ibp;
77 }
78 }
80 }
87 ex F2ex(const ex & expr_in) {
88 ex ret = expr_in;
89 ret = MapFunction([](const ex & e, MapFunction &self)->ex{
90 if(!e.has(F(w1,w2))) return e;
91 else if(e.match(F(w1, w2))) {
92 auto ps = e.op(0);
93 auto ns = e.op(1);
94 ex res = 1;
95 for(int i=0; i<ps.nops(); i++) res *= pow(ps.op(i), ex(0)-ns.op(i));
96 return res;
97 } else return e.map(self);
98 })(ret);
99 return ret;
100 }
109 void ApartIBP(exvector &air_vec, AIOption aio) {
110 if(aio.smap.size()<1) aio.init_smap();
111 int IBPmethod = aio.IBPmethod;
112 int rc;
114 lst lmom = ex_to<lst>(aio.Internal);
115 lst emom = ex_to<lst>(aio.External);
117 string wdir;
118 if(aio.SaveDir != "") {
119 if(IBPmethod==1) wdir = aio.SaveDir + "/FIRE";
120 else if(IBPmethod==2) wdir = aio.SaveDir + "/KIRA";
121 else if(IBPmethod==3) wdir = aio.SaveDir + "/UKIRA";
122 } else {
123 wdir = to_string(getpid());
124 if(IBPmethod==1) wdir = wdir + "_FIRE";
125 else if(IBPmethod==2) wdir = wdir + "_KIRA";
126 else if(IBPmethod==3) wdir = wdir + "_UKIRA";
127 }
129 lst IntFs;
130 vector<IBP*> ibp_vec;
131 if(aio.SaveDir != "" && file_exists(aio.SaveDir+"/AIR2F.gar")) {
132 if(Verbose > 1) cout << PRE << "\\--Reading AIR2F" << flush;
133 AIR2F_Get(aio.SaveDir, air_vec, IntFs, ibp_vec, IBPmethod);
134 for(auto ibp : ibp_vec) ibp->WorkingDir = wdir; // update working directory
135 if(Verbose > 1) cout << " @ " << now(false) << endl;
136 goto AIR2F_Done;
137 }
139 if(aio.SaveDir != "") {
140 if(file_exists(aio.SaveDir+"/AP.gar")) {
141 if(Verbose > 1) cout << PRE << "\\--Reading AP.gar" << flush;
142 garRead(air_vec, aio.SaveDir+"/AP.gar");
143 if(Verbose > 1) cout << " @ " << now(false) << endl;
144 goto Apart_Done;
145 } else rc = system(("mkdir -p "+aio.SaveDir).c_str());
146 }
148 if(true) {
149 int av_size = air_vec.size();
150 air_vec = GiNaC_Parallel(av_size, [air_vec,lmom] (int idx) {
151 return collect_lst(air_vec[idx], lmom, o_flint);
152 }, "ApPre");
154 exset vset;
155 for(int i=0; i<av_size; i++) {
156 for(auto cv : ex_to<lst>(air_vec[i])) vset.insert(cv.op(1));
157 }
158 exvector vvec(vset.begin(), vset.end());
159 vset.clear();
161 exmap v2api;
162 for(int i=0; i<vvec.size(); i++) v2api[vvec[i]] = i;
163 for(int i=0; i<av_size; i++) {
164 lst av_item;
165 lst cvs = ex_to<lst>(air_vec[i]);
166 air_vec[i] = av_item;
167 for(auto & cv : cvs) av_item.append(lst{cv.op(0), v2api[cv.op(1)]});
168 cvs.remove_all();
169 air_vec[i] = av_item;
170 }
171 v2api.clear();
173 auto ap_vec = GiNaC_Parallel(vvec.size(), [&vvec,lmom,emom,aio] (int idx) {
174 auto air = vvec[idx];
175 air = Apart(air,lmom,emom,aio.smap);
176 air = air.subs(ApartIR(1,w)==aio.apart1);
177 air = collect_lst(air, ApartIR(w1,w2), o_flintf);
178 return air;
179 }, "Apart");
180 vvec.clear();
182 exset ap_set;
183 for(auto cvs : ap_vec) for(auto cv : cvs) if(is_a<matrix>(cv.op(1).op(0))) ap_set.insert(cv.op(1));
184 exvector ap_ir_vec(ap_set.begin(), ap_set.end());
185 ap_set.clear();
186 exmap ap_rules;
187 if(aio.ap_rules) ap_rules = ApartRules(ap_ir_vec); // including ApartIRC
188 ap_ir_vec.clear();
190 if(false) { // Parallel Version
191 ap_vec = GiNaC_Parallel(ap_vec.size(), [&aio,&ap_vec,&ap_rules] (int idx) {
192 auto const & cvs = ap_vec[idx];
193 ex res = 0;
194 if(aio.ap_rules) {
195 for(auto const & cv : cvs) {
196 auto fi = ap_rules.find(cv.op(1));
197 if(fi==ap_rules.end()) res += cv.op(0) * cv.op(1);
198 else res += cv.op(0) * fi->second;
199 }
200 } else {
201 for(auto cv : cvs) res += cv.op(0) * ApartIRC(cv.op(1));
202 }
203 return res;
204 }, "ApRule");
205 } else {
206 int vn = ap_vec.size();
207 for(int idx=0; idx<vn; idx++) {
208 lst cvs = ex_to<lst>(ap_vec[idx]);
209 ex res = 0;
210 if(aio.ap_rules) {
211 for(auto const & cv : cvs) {
212 auto fi = ap_rules.find(cv.op(1));
213 if(fi==ap_rules.end()) res += cv.op(0) * cv.op(1);
214 else res += cv.op(0) * fi->second;
215 }
216 } else {
217 for(auto cv : cvs) res += cv.op(0) * ApartIRC(cv.op(1));
218 }
219 ap_vec[idx] = res;
220 }
221 }
222 ap_rules.clear();
224 if(GiNaC_Parallel_NP.find("ApPost")==GiNaC_Parallel_NP.end() && CpuCores()>8) GiNaC_Parallel_NP["ApPost"] = 8;
225 if(GiNaC_Parallel_NB.find("ApPost")==GiNaC_Parallel_NB.end() && CpuCores()>100) GiNaC_Parallel_NB["ApPost"] = 100;
226 air_vec = GiNaC_Parallel(av_size, [&air_vec,&ap_vec] (int idx) {
227 lst cvs = ex_to<lst>(air_vec[idx]);
228 ex res = 0;
229 for(auto const & cv : cvs) {
230 int idx = ex_to<numeric>(cv.op(1)).to_int();
231 res += cv.op(0) * ap_vec[idx];
232 }
233 res = collect_ex(res, ApartIR(w1,w2), o_flint);
234 return res; // air_vec updated to ApartIR
235 }, "ApPost");
236 ap_vec.clear();
238 if(aio.SaveDir != "") {
239 garWrite(air_vec,aio.SaveDir+"/AP.gar");
240 garRead(air_vec,aio.SaveDir+"/AP.gar");
241 }
242 }
243 Apart_Done: ;
245 if(true) {
247 exvector AIR;
248 if(true) {
249 auto ret = GiNaC_Parallel(air_vec.size(), [&air_vec](int idx)->ex {
250 auto air = air_vec[idx];
251 exset airs;
252 find(air, ApartIR(w1,w2), airs);
253 lst ret;
254 for(auto item : airs) ret.append(item);
255 return ret;
256 }, "ApIRC");
257 exset intg;
258 for(auto airs : ret) for(auto air : ex_to<lst>(airs)) intg.insert(air);
259 AIR = exvector(intg.begin(), intg.end());
260 }
262 for(auto sp : aio.CSP) SP_map.erase(sp);
263 // from here, Vector will be replaced by its name Symbol
265 lst repls;
266 auto sps = sp_map();
267 for(auto kv : sps) {
268 repls.append(w*kv.first == w*kv.second);
269 repls.append(kv.first == kv.second);
270 }
272 lst loops, exts; // to match FIRE notation, not Vector, just Symbol
273 for(auto li : lmom) {
274 if(is_a<Vector>(li)) loops.append(ex_to<Vector>(li).name);
275 else loops.append(li);
276 }
277 for(auto li : emom) {
278 if(is_a<Vector>(li)) exts.append(ex_to<Vector>(li).name);
279 else exts.append(li);
280 }
282 if(Verbose>0) cout << PRE << "\\--Prepare " << WHITE << "IBP" << RESET << " reduction @ " << now(false) << flush;
284 exmap AIR2F;
285 std::map<ex, IBP*, ex_is_less> p2IBP;
286 int pn=1;
287 int ntot = AIR.size();
288 for(int i=0; i<ntot; i++) {
289 if(Verbose>0 && (((i+1)%1000)==0 || i+1==ntot)) {
290 cout << "\r \r" << flush;
291 cout << PRE << "\\--Prepare " << WHITE << "IBP" << RESET << " reduction [" << (i+1) << "/" << ntot << "] @ " << now(false) << flush;
292 }
293 auto const & ir = AIR[i];
294 auto mat = ex_to<matrix>(ir.op(0));
295 auto vars = ex_to<lst>(ir.op(1));
296 lst pns;
297 int nrow = mat.rows();
298 int den_tot = 0;
299 for(int c=0; c<mat.cols(); c++) {
300 ex pc = 0;
301 for(int r=0; r<nrow-2; r++) pc += mat(r,c) * vars.op(r);
302 pc += mat(nrow-2,c);
303 pc = SP2sp(pc);
304 ex nc = ex(0)-mat(nrow-1,c);
305 int ncn;
306 if(nc>0) ncn = -1;
307 else ncn = 1;
308 if(ncn==-1) den_tot++;
309 pns.append(lst{ ncn, pc, nc }); // note the convension, ncn just for sorting
310 }
311 bool pn_sector = false;
312 if(aio.pn_sector>0 && den_tot>=aio.pn_sector) pn_sector = true;
313 if(!pn_sector) { // back to original format
314 for(int i=0; i<pns.nops(); i++) pns.let_op(i) = lst{ pns.op(i).op(1), pns.op(i).op(2) };
315 }
316 sort_lst(pns);
317 if(pn_sector) { // back to original format
318 for(int i=0; i<pns.nops(); i++) pns.let_op(i) = lst{ pns.op(i).op(1), pns.op(i).op(2) };
319 }
321 int nCut = aio.Cut.nops();
322 if(nCut>0) {
323 ex cuts = aio.Cut;
324 cuts = cuts.subs(SP_map,nopat);
325 if(aio.CutFirst) for(auto cut : cuts) pns.prepend(lst{ SP2sp(cut), 1 });
326 else for(auto cut : cuts) pns.append(lst{ SP2sp(cut), 1 });
327 }
329 lst props, ns;
330 for(auto item : pns) {
331 props.append(item.op(0));
332 ns.append(item.op(1));
333 }
335 ex key = props;
336 if(pn_sector) {
337 lst nss;
338 for(int i=0; i<ns.nops(); i++) nss.append(ns.op(i)>0 ? 1 : 0);
339 key = lst{props,nss};
340 }
342 auto kv = p2IBP.find(key);
343 if(kv==p2IBP.end()) {
344 IBP* ibp;
345 if(IBPmethod==0) ibp = new IBP();
346 else if(IBPmethod==1) ibp = new FIRE();
347 else if(IBPmethod==2) ibp = new KIRA();
348 else if(IBPmethod==3) ibp = new UKIRA();
349 else {
350 ibp = new IBP();
351 IBPmethod = 0;
352 }
354 p2IBP.insert(make_pair(key,ibp));
355 ibp->Propagator = props;
356 ibp->Internal = loops;
357 ibp->External = exts;
358 ibp->Replacement = repls;
359 if(aio.ISP.nops()>0) for(auto item : aio.ISP) ibp->ISP.append(SP2sp(item));
360 if(aio.DSP.nops()>0) {
361 for(auto item : aio.DSP) {
362 lst sp = ex_to<lst>(item);
363 if(is_a<Vector>(sp.op(0))) sp.let_op(0) = (ex_to<Vector>(sp.op(0)).name);
364 if(is_a<Vector>(sp.op(1))) sp.let_op(1) = (ex_to<Vector>(sp.op(1)).name);
365 ibp->DSP.append(sp);
366 }
367 }
368 if(pn_sector) {
369 lst sector;
370 for(auto const & item : ns) {
371 if(item>0) sector.append(1);
372 else sector.append(0);
373 }
374 ibp->SECTOR = sector;
375 }
376 ibp->WorkingDir = wdir;
377 ibp->ProblemNumber = pn;
378 pn++;
379 if(nCut>0) {
380 if(aio.CutFirst) for(int i=0; i<nCut; i++) ibp->Cut.append(i+1);
381 else for(int i=0; i<nCut; i++) ibp->Cut.append(nCut-i);
382 }
383 ibp_vec.push_back(ibp);
384 ibp->Integral.append(ns);
385 AIR2F[AIR[i]] = F(ibp->ProblemNumber, ns);
386 } else {
387 IBP* ibp = kv->second;
388 ibp->Integral.append(ns);
389 AIR2F[AIR[i]] = F(ibp->ProblemNumber, ns);
390 }
391 }
392 if(Verbose>0) cout << endl;
394 if(Verbose>0) cout << PRE << "\\--Total Ints/Pros: " << WHITE << ntot << "/" << ibp_vec.size() << RESET << " @ " << now(false) << endl;
396 if(true) {
397 //vector<IBP*> ibp_vec2;
398 //for(auto ibp : ibp_vec) ibp_vec2.push_back(ibp);
399 auto int_fr = FindRules(ibp_vec, false, aio.UF);
400 IntFs = int_fr.second;
401 if(GiNaC_Parallel_NP.find("AIR2F")==GiNaC_Parallel_NP.end() && CpuCores()>8) GiNaC_Parallel_NP["AIR2F"] = 8;
402 if(GiNaC_Parallel_NB.find("AIR2F")==GiNaC_Parallel_NB.end() && CpuCores()>100) GiNaC_Parallel_NB["AIR2F"] = 100;
403 air_vec = GiNaC_Parallel(air_vec.size(), [&air_vec,&AIR2F,&int_fr] (int idx) {
404 auto air = air_vec[idx];
405 air = air.subs(AIR2F,nopat);
406 air = air.subs(int_fr.first,nopat);
407 air = collect_ex(air, F(w1,w2), o_flint);
408 return air;
409 }, "AIR2F");
410 if(aio.SaveDir != "") AIR2F_Save(aio.SaveDir, air_vec, IntFs, ibp_vec);
411 }
412 }
413 AIR2F_Done: ;
415 MapFunction _F2ex([&ibp_vec,aio](const ex &e, MapFunction &self)->ex {
416 if(!e.has(F(w1,w2))) return e;
417 else if(e.match(F(w1,w2))) {
418 int pn = ex_to<numeric>(e.op(0)).to_int();
419 auto pso = ex_to<lst>(ibp_vec[pn-1]->Propagator);
420 auto nso = ex_to<lst>(e.op(1));
421 lst ps, ns;
422 for(int i=0; i<pso.nops(); i++) {
423 if(!aio.keep0F && nso.op(i).is_zero()) continue;
424 ps.append(pso.op(i));
425 ns.append(nso.op(i));
426 }
427 return F(ps,ns);
428 } else return e.map(self);
429 });
431 if(IBPmethod==0) { // no IBP reduction
432 air_vec = GiNaC_Parallel(air_vec.size(), [&air_vec,&_F2ex](int idx)->ex {
433 auto res = air_vec[idx];
434 return _F2ex(res);
435 }, "F2F");
436 for(auto fp : ibp_vec) delete fp;
437 if(aio.SaveDir == "") rc = system(("rm -rf "+wdir).c_str());
438 return;
439 }
441 exmap ibpRules; // IBP rules for problem pn
442 if(aio.SaveDir != "" && file_exists(aio.SaveDir+"/Rules.gar")) {
443 goto Rules_Done;
444 }
445 if(true) {
446 vector<IBP*> ibp_vec_re;
447 if(true) {
448 map<int,lst> pn_ints_map;
449 for(auto item : IntFs) {
450 int pn = ex_to<numeric>(item.op(0)).to_int();
451 pn_ints_map[pn].append(item.op(1));
452 }
454 int nints = 0;
455 for(auto pi : pn_ints_map) {
456 auto ibp = ibp_vec[pi.first-1];
457 ibp->Integral = pi.second;
458 nints += ibp->Integral.nops();
459 ibp_vec_re.push_back(ibp);
460 }
462 if(Verbose>0) cout << PRE << "\\--Refined Ints/Pros: " << WHITE << nints << "/" << ibp_vec_re.size() << RESET << " @ " << now(false) << endl;
463 }
465 if(IBPmethod==1) {
466 //if(GiNaC_Parallel_NB.find("Expo")==GiNaC_Parallel_NB.end()) GiNaC_Parallel_NB["Expo"] = 1;
467 auto pRes = GiNaC_Parallel(ibp_vec_re.size(), [&ibp_vec_re](int idx)->ex {
468 ibp_vec_re[idx]->Export();
469 auto ret = lst{ ibp_vec_re[idx]->IsAlwaysZero ? 1 : 0, ibp_vec_re[idx]->Rules };
470 return ret;
471 }, "Expo");
472 for(int i=0; i<ibp_vec_re.size(); i++) {
473 ibp_vec_re[i]->IsAlwaysZero = (pRes[i].op(0)==1 ? true : false);
474 ibp_vec_re[i]->Rules = ex_to<lst>(pRes[i].op(1));
475 }
477 int nproc = aio.NIBP;
478 if(nproc<1) nproc = 8;
479 int cproc = 0;
480 if(nproc<1) nproc = 1;
481 size_t nibp = ibp_vec_re.size();
483 //#define using_openMP
484 #ifdef using_openMP
485 #pragma omp parallel for num_threads(nproc) schedule(dynamic, 1)
486 for(int pi=0; pi<nibp; pi++) {
487 if(Verbose>1) {
488 #pragma omp critical
489 {
490 cout << "\r \r" << flush;
491 cout << PRE << "\\--" << WHITE << "FIRE" << RESET << " Reduction [" << (++cproc) << "/" << nibp << "] " << flush;
492 }
493 }
494 ibp_vec_re[pi]->Run();
495 }
496 if(Verbose>1 && nibp>0) cout << "@" << now(false) << endl;
497 #else
498 if(nproc>1) {
499 if(GiNaC_Parallel_NP.find("FIRE")==GiNaC_Parallel_NB.end()) GiNaC_Parallel_NP["FIRE"] = nproc;
500 if(GiNaC_Parallel_NB.find("FIRE")==GiNaC_Parallel_NB.end()) GiNaC_Parallel_NB["FIRE"] = 1;
501 GiNaC_Parallel(nibp, [&ibp_vec_re](int idx)->ex {
502 ibp_vec_re[idx]->Run();
503 return 0;
504 }, "FIRE");
505 } else {
506 for(int pi=0; pi<nibp; pi++) {
507 if(Verbose>1) cout << "\r \r" << PRE << "\\--" << WHITE << "FIRE" << RESET << " Reduction [" << (++cproc) << "/" << nibp << "] " << flush;
508 ibp_vec_re[pi]->Run();
509 }
510 if(Verbose>1 && nibp>0) cout << "@" << now(false) << endl;
511 }
512 #endif
514 if(ibp_vec_re.size()>100) {
515 auto ret = GiNaC_Parallel(ibp_vec_re.size(), [&ibp_vec_re,wdir](int idx)->ex {
516 ibp_vec_re[idx]->Import();
517 return ibp_vec_re[idx]->TO();
518 }, "Impo");
519 for(int i=0; i<ibp_vec_re.size(); i++) ibp_vec_re[i]->FROM(ret[i]);
520 } else {
521 cproc = 0;
522 for(auto item : ibp_vec_re) {
523 if(Verbose>1) cout << "\r \r" << PRE << "\\--" << WHITE << "FIRE" << RESET << " Import [" << (++cproc) << "/" << ibp_vec_re.size() << "] " << flush;
524 item->Import();
525 }
526 if(Verbose>1 && ibp_vec_re.size()>0) cout << "@" << now(false) << endl;
527 }
528 //IBP::ReShare(ibp_vec_re);
530 if(aio.SaveDir == "") rc = system(("rm -rf "+wdir).c_str());
531 } else if(IBPmethod==2 || IBPmethod==3) {
532 for(auto ibp : ibp_vec_re) ibp->Reduce();
533 if(aio.SaveDir == "") rc = system(("rm -rf "+wdir).c_str());
534 }
536 // Find Rules in MIs
537 exmap miRules = FindRules(ibp_vec_re, true, aio.UF).first;
538 if(true) { // scope for ret
539 if(aio.SaveDir != "") rc = system(("mkdir -p "+aio.SaveDir+"/Rules").c_str());
540 auto rules_vec = GiNaC_Parallel(ibp_vec_re.size(), [&ibp_vec_re,&miRules,&aio](int idx)->ex {
541 lst rules = ex_to<lst>(ibp_vec_re[idx]->Rules);
542 lst res;
543 for(auto ri : rules) res.append(lst {
544 ri.op(0),
545 collect_ex(ri.op(1).subs(miRules,nopat),F(w1,w2),o_flint)
546 });
547 for(auto mi : ibp_vec_re[idx]->MIntegral) {
548 auto fi = miRules.find(mi);
549 if(fi!=miRules.end()) res.append(lst{ mi, fi->second });
550 }
551 auto pn = ibp_vec_re[idx]->ProblemNumber;
552 if(aio.SaveDir != "") {
553 garWrite(aio.SaveDir+"/Rules/"+to_string(pn)+".gar", res);
554 return 0;
555 } else return res;
556 }, "FR2MI");
557 if(aio.SaveDir != "") {
558 garWrite(aio.SaveDir+"/Rules.gar", 1);
559 } else {
560 for(auto rs : rules_vec) {
561 for(auto ri : rs) if(ri.op(0)!=ri.op(1)) ibpRules[ri.op(0)] = ri.op(1);
562 }
563 }
564 }
565 }
566 Rules_Done: ;
568 if(GiNaC_Parallel_NP.find("F2MI")==GiNaC_Parallel_NP.end() && CpuCores()>16) GiNaC_Parallel_NP["F2MI"] = 16;
569 air_vec =
570 GiNaC_Parallel(air_vec.size(), [&air_vec,&ibpRules,&_F2ex,&aio](int idx)->ex {
571 ex res = air_vec[idx];
572 exmap rules;
573 if(aio.SaveDir != "") {
574 exset fs;
575 find(res, F(w1,w2), fs);
576 exset pns;
577 for(auto fi : fs) pns.insert(fi.op(0));
578 for(auto pn : pns) {
579 auto rs = ex_to<lst>(garRead(aio.SaveDir+"/Rules/"+ex2str(pn)+".gar"));
580 for(auto ri : rs) if(ri.op(0)!=ri.op(1)) rules[ri.op(0)] = ri.op(1);
581 }
582 } else rules = ibpRules;
583 res = res.subs(rules,nopat);
584 if(aio.pat.nops()>0) {
585 auto cvs = collect_lst(res, aio.pat);
586 res = 0;
587 for(auto cv : cvs) {
588 auto c = cv.op(0);
589 auto v = cv.op(1);
590 if(aio.cv!=nullptr) {
591 auto _cv = aio.cv(c,v);
592 c = _cv.op(0);
593 v = _cv.op(1);
594 }
595 res += c * v;
596 }
597 }
598 return _F2ex(res);
599 }, "F2MI");
601 for(auto fp : ibp_vec) delete fp;
602 }
614 void ApartIBP(exvector &air_vec, int IBPmethod, const lst & loops, const lst & exts, const lst & cut_props,
615 std::function<lst(const IBP &, const ex &)> uf) {
617 AIOption aio;
618 aio.IBPmethod = IBPmethod;
619 //aio.pn_sector = 4;
620 aio.Internal = loops;
621 aio.External = exts;
622 aio.Cut = cut_props;
623 if(cut_props.nops()>0) {
624 for(auto p1 : loops) {
625 for(auto p2 : loops) aio.CSP.append(SP(p1,p2));
626 for(auto p2 : exts) aio.CSP.append(SP(p1,p2));
627 }
628 aio.CSP.sort();
629 aio.CSP.unique();
630 }
631 for(auto li : loops) aio.smap[SP(li)] = 1;
632 aio.UF = uf;
633 ApartIBP(air_vec, aio);
634 }
#define WHITE
Definition BASIC.h:87
#define RESET
Definition BASIC.h:79
HEP header file.
bool file_exists(const char *fn)
Definition Process.cpp:9
IBP base class for IBP reduction.
Definition IBP.h:24
class to wrap map_function of GiNaC
Definition BASIC.h:632
HepLib namespace.
Definition BASIC.cpp:17
ex SP2sp(const ex &exin)
convert SP(a,b) to sp(a,b)
Definition Pair.cpp:302
ex sp(const ex &a, const ex &b)
translated the vector dot a.b to a*b, useful in SecDec
Definition Pair.cpp:237
exmap sp_map()
the SP_map with SP(a,b) replaced to sp(a,b)
Definition Pair.cpp:318
const int o_flint
Definition Init.cpp:113
exmap SP_map
Definition Init.cpp:182
ex ApartIRC(const ex &expr_in)
complete the ApartIR elements
Definition Apart.cpp:914
void ApartIBP(exvector &air_vec, AIOption aio)
perform IBP reduction on the Aparted input
Definition ApartIBP.cpp:109
ex collect_ex(ex const &expr_in, std::function< bool(const ex &)> has_func, int opt)
the collect function like Mathematica
Definition BASIC.cpp:1202
void garRead(const string &garfn, map< string, ex > &resMap)
garRead from file, and output in a map
Definition BASIC.cpp:591
map< string, int > GiNaC_Parallel_NB
Definition Init.cpp:150
bool file_exists(string fn)
Definition BASIC.h:289
pair< exmap, lst > FindRules(vector< IBP * > fs, bool mi, std::function< lst(const IBP &, const ex &)> uf)
Find Rules for Integral or Master Integral.
Definition IBP.cpp:574
string now(bool use_date)
date/time string
Definition BASIC.cpp:525
ex F2ex(const ex &expr_in)
convert F(ps, ns) to normal ex, ns is like FIRE convention
Definition ApartIBP.cpp:87
int CpuCores()
return the cpu cores using OpenMP
Definition BASIC.cpp:1820
map< string, int > GiNaC_Parallel_NP
Definition Init.cpp:147
lst collect_lst(ex const &expr_in, std::function< bool(const ex &)> has_func, int opt)
the collect function like Mathematica, reture the lst { {c1,v1}, {c2,v2}, ... }
Definition BASIC.cpp:1222
exmap ApartRules(const exvector &airs, bool irc)
Definition Apart.cpp:156
int Verbose
Definition Init.cpp:142
void sort_lst(lst &ilst, bool less=true)
sort the list in less order, or the reverse
Definition Sort.cpp:79
void garWrite(const string &garfn, const map< string, ex > &resMap)
garWrite to write the string-key map to the archive
Definition BASIC.cpp:639
ex w1
Definition BASIC.h:499
exvector GiNaC_Parallel(int ntotal, std::function< ex(int)> f, const string &key)
GiNaC Parallel Evaluation using fork.
Definition BASIC.cpp:260
ex w2
Definition BASIC.h:499
string PRE
Definition Init.cpp:143
ex SP(const ex &a, bool use_map=false)
Definition Pair.cpp:166
std::function< lst(const IBP &, const ex &)> UF
Definition HEP.h:610
exmap smap
Definition HEP.h:599
string SaveDir
Definition HEP.h:609
int IBPmethod
Definition HEP.h:595
bool ap_rules
Definition HEP.h:594
void init_smap()
Definition HEP.h:611