Go to the documentation of this file.
6 #include "IBP.h"
7 #include <cmath>
9 namespace HepLib {
14  string Laporta::Fout(const ex & expr) {
15  if(!using_uw) {
16  ex f = expr;
17  if(is_a<lst>(f)) f = F(f);
18  else if(expr.match(F(w1,w2))) f = F(f.op(1));
19  string fstr = ex2str(f);
20  string_replace_all(fstr,"{","");
21  string_replace_all(fstr,"}","");
22  string_replace_all(fstr,"(","[");
23  string_replace_all(fstr,")","]");
24  return fstr;
25  } else {
26  ex idx;
27  if(expr.match(F(w1,w2))) idx = expr.op(1);
28  else if(expr.match(F(w))) idx = expr.op(0);
29  else idx = expr;
30  return to_string(i2w[idx]);
31  }
32  }
37  ex Laporta::Fin(const string & expr) {
38  if(!using_uw) {
39  string fstr = expr;
40  string_replace_all(fstr,"[","("+to_string(ProblemNumber)+",{");
41  string_replace_all(fstr,"]","})");
42  return str2ex(fstr);
43  } else {
44  auto cpos = expr.find("*");
45  if(cpos==string::npos) {
46  if(expr=="0") return 0;
47  throw Error("KIRA::Fin with 0 or * NOT Found.");
48  }
49  auto wstr = expr.substr(0,cpos);
50  unsigned long long weight = stoull(wstr,NULL,0);
51  auto oex = str2ex(expr.substr(cpos+1,string::npos));
52  return F(ProblemNumber, w2i[weight]) * oex;
53  }
54  }
59  void Laporta::Export() {
61  if(Integral.nops()<1) return;
63  int pdim = Propagator.nops();
64  lst InExternal;
65  for(auto ii : Internal) InExternal.append(ii);
66  for(auto ii : External) InExternal.append(ii);
68  if(ISP.nops()<1) {
69  for(auto it : Internal) {
70  for(auto ii : InExternal) ISP.append(it*ii);
71  }
72  ISP.sort();
73  ISP.unique();
74  }
76  if(ISP.nops() > pdim) {
77  cout << "ISP = " << ISP << endl;
78  cout << "Propagator = " << Propagator << endl;
79  throw Error("UKIRA::Export: #(ISP) > #(Propagator).");
80  }
82  lst sp2s, s2sp, ss;
83  int _pic=0;
84  for(auto item : ISP) {
85  _pic++;
86  Symbol si("P"+to_string(_pic));
87  ss.append(si);
88  sp2s.append(w*item==w*si);
89  sp2s.append(item==si);
90  s2sp.append(si==item);
91  }
93  lst leqns;
94  for(int i=0; i<ISP.nops(); i++) { // note NOT pdim
95  auto eq = Propagator.op(i).expand().subs(iEpsilon==0); // drop iEpsilon
96  eq = eq.subs(sp2s);
97  eq = eq.subs(Replacement);
98  if(eq.has(iWF(w))) throw Error("UKIRA::Export, iWF used in eq.");
99  leqns.append(eq == iWF(i));
100  }
101  auto s2p = lsolve(leqns, ss);
102  if(s2p.nops() != ISP.nops()) throw Error("KIRA::Export: lsolve failed.");
104  if(DSP.nops()<1) {
105  for(auto p1 : Internal)
106  for(auto p2 : InExternal)
107  DSP.append(lst{p1,p2});
108  }
110  ibps.remove_all(); // no need
111  lst nsa;
112  for(int i=0; i<pdim; i++) nsa.append(a(i));
113  for(auto sp : DSP) {
114  auto ilp = sp.op(0);
115  auto iep = sp.op(1);
117  ex ibp = 0;
118  symbol ss;
119  for(int i=0; i<pdim; i++) {
120  auto ns = nsa;
121  ns.let_op(i) = nsa.op(i) + 1;
122  auto dp = Propagator.op(i).subs(ilp==ss).diff(ss).subs(ss==ilp);
123  ibp -= (a(i)+Shift[i+1]) * F(ns) * dp;
124  }
126  ibp = ibp * iep;
127  ibp = ibp.expand();
128  ibp = ibp.subs(sp2s);
129  ibp = ibp.subs(Replacement);
130  ibp = ibp.subs(s2p);
132  ex res = 0;
133  for(int i=0; i<pdim; i++) {
134  auto ci = ibp.coeff(iWF(i), 1);
135  ci = MapFunction([i](const ex &e, MapFunction &self)->ex {
136  if(!e.has(F(w))) return e;
137  else if(e.match(F(w))) {
138  lst tmp = ex_to<lst>(e.op(0));
139  tmp.let_op(i) = tmp.op(i)-1;
140  return F(tmp);
141  } else return e.map(self);
142  })(ci);
143  res += ci;
144  }
145  res += ibp.subs(lst{iWF(w)==0});
146  auto cilp = iep.coeff(ilp);
147  if(!is_zero(cilp)) res += d*cilp*F(nsa);
148  ibps.append(res);
149  }
151 cout << ibps << endl;
155  }
160  void Laporta::Run() {
162  }
169  }
171 }
int * a
Definition: Functions.cpp:234
IBP header file.
class used to wrap error message
Definition: BASIC.h:242
lst Internal
Definition: IBP.h:27
map< int, ex > Shift
Definition: IBP.h:36
lst ISP
Definition: IBP.h:34
lst Replacement
Definition: IBP.h:29
lst DSP
Definition: IBP.h:33
lst Integral
Definition: IBP.h:31
lst External
Definition: IBP.h:28
lst Propagator
Definition: IBP.h:30
int ProblemNumber
Definition: IBP.h:39
void Import() override
import kira result
Definition: Laporta.cpp:167
void Run() override
invoke kira program for reduction
Definition: Laporta.cpp:160
bool using_uw
Definition: IBP.h:184
void Export() override
Export input data for KIRA.
Definition: Laporta.cpp:59
class to wrap map_function of GiNaC
Definition: BASIC.h:632
class extended to GiNaC symbol class, represent a positive symbol
Definition: BASIC.h:113
HepLib namespace.
Definition: BASIC.cpp:17
const iSymbol iEpsilon
ex sp(const ex &a, const ex &b)
translated the vector dot a.b to a*b, useful in SecDec
Definition: Pair.cpp:237
ex str2ex(const string &expr, symtab stab)
convert string to ex expression, using Parser internally
Definition: BASIC.cpp:670
ex w
Definition: Init.cpp:90
const Symbol d
void string_replace_all(string &str, const string &from, const string &to)
Definition: Functions.cpp:148
string ex2str(const ex &expr)
convert ex to output string, the defalut printer format will be used
Definition: BASIC.cpp:715
ex w1
Definition: BASIC.h:499
ex w2
Definition: BASIC.h:499