No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
6#include "IBP.h"
7#include <cmath>
9namespace HepLib {
14 string KIRA::Fout(const ex & expr) {
15 ex f = expr;
16 if(is_a<lst>(f)) f = F(f);
17 else if(expr.match(F(w1,w2))) f = F(f.op(1));
18 string fstr = ex2str(f);
19 string_replace_all(fstr,"{","");
20 string_replace_all(fstr,"}","");
21 string_replace_all(fstr,"(","[");
22 string_replace_all(fstr,")","]");
23 return fstr;
24 }
29 ex KIRA::Fin(const string & expr) {
30 string fstr = expr;
31 string_replace_all(fstr,"[","("+to_string(ProblemNumber)+",{");
32 string_replace_all(fstr,"]","})");
33 return str2ex(fstr);
34 }
39 void KIRA::Export() {
41 if(Integral.nops()<1) return;
43 if(WorkingDir.length()<1) WorkingDir = to_string(getpid())+"IBP";
44 string job_dir = WorkingDir + "/" + to_string(ProblemNumber);
45 auto rc = system(("rm -rf "+job_dir).c_str());
46 if(!dir_exists(job_dir)) system(("mkdir -p "+job_dir).c_str());
48 string config_dir = job_dir + "/config";
49 rc = system(("rm -rf "+config_dir).c_str());
50 if(!dir_exists(config_dir)) rc = system(("mkdir -p "+config_dir).c_str());
52 ostringstream oss;
54 // integralfamilies.yaml
55 oss << "integralfamilies:" << endl;
56 oss << " - name: F" << endl;
57 oss << " loop_momenta: [";
58 for(int i=0; i<Internal.nops(); i++) {
59 oss << Internal.op(i);
60 if(i+1<Internal.nops()) oss << ", ";
61 else oss << "]" << endl;
62 }
64 vector<int> symbolic_ibp;
65 for(auto kv : Shift) {
66 if(kv.second.is_zero()) continue;
67 symbolic_ibp.push_back(kv.first);
68 }
69 if(symbolic_ibp.size()>0) {
70 oss << " symbolic_ibp: [";
71 for(int i=0; i<symbolic_ibp.size(); i++) {
72 if(i>0) oss << ",";
73 oss << symbolic_ibp[i];
74 }
75 oss << "]" << endl;
76 }
78 //oss << " top_level_sectors: [127]" << endl;
79 oss << " propagators:" << endl;
80 for(int i=0; i<Propagator.nops(); i++) {
81 oss << " - [ \"" << Propagator.op(i) << "\", 0]" << endl;
82 }
83 if(Cut.nops()>0) {
84 oss << " cut_propagators: [";
85 for(auto i=0; i<Cut.nops(); i++) {
86 oss << Cut.op(i);
87 if(i+1<Cut.nops()) oss << ", ";
88 else oss << "]" << endl;
89 }
90 }
91 ofstream if_out(config_dir+"/integralfamilies.yaml");
92 if_out << oss.str() << endl;
93 if_out.close();
94 oss.str("");
95 oss.clear();
98 // kinematics.yaml
99 oss << "kinematics:" << endl;
100 oss << " incoming_momenta: [";
101 for(int i=0; i<External.nops(); i++) {
102 oss << External.op(i);
103 if(i+1<External.nops()) oss << ", ";
104 else oss << "]" << endl;
105 }
106 //oss << " outgoing_momenta: []" << endl;
107 //oss << " momentum_conservation: [p0,-p1-p2]" << endl;
109 if(!has_w(Replacement)) {
110 lst repl;
111 for(auto item : Replacement) {
112 repl.append(item);
113 repl.append(w*item.op(0) == w*item.op(1));
114 }
115 Replacement = repl;
116 }
118 auto vars = gather_symbols(lst{Propagator, Replacement});
119 exset vset_all;
120 for(auto vi : vars) vset_all.insert(vi);
121 exset vset_mom;
122 for(auto vi : Internal) vset_mom.insert(vi);
123 for(auto vi : External) vset_mom.insert(vi);
124 exset vset;
125 for(auto vi : vset_all) {
126 if(vset_mom.find(vi) == vset_mom.end()) vset.insert(vi);
127 }
128 if(vset.size()>0) {
129 oss << " kinematic_invariants:" << endl;
130 for(auto vi : vset) oss << " - [ " << vi << ", 0 ]" << endl;
131 for(auto i : symbolic_ibp) oss << " - [ b" << (i-1) << ", 0 ]" << endl;
132 }
134 oss << " scalarproduct_rules:" << endl;
135 for(int i=0; i<External.nops(); i++) {
136 auto pi = External.op(i);
137 for(int j=i; j<External.nops(); j++) {
138 auto pj = External.op(j);
139 oss << " - [ [" << pi << "," << pj << "], ";
140 oss << subs(pi*pj, Replacement) << "]" << endl;
141 }
142 }
144 //oss << " symbol_to_replace_by_one: s" << endl;
146 ofstream km_out(config_dir+"/kinematics.yaml");
147 km_out << oss.str() << endl;
148 km_out.close();
149 oss.str("");
150 oss.clear();
152 // handle rmax, smax, dmax
153 int _rmax = -1;
154 int _smax = -1;
155 if(_rmax < 0 || _smax < 0) {
156 int rrmax = 0;
157 int ssmax = 0;
158 for(auto integral : Integral) {
159 int rr = 0;
160 int ss = 0;
161 for(auto item : integral) {
162 if(item>0) rr += ex2int(item);
163 else ss -= ex2int(item);
164 }
165 if(rrmax<rr) rrmax = rr;
166 if(ssmax<ss) ssmax = ss;
167 }
168 if(rrmax > _rmax) _rmax = rrmax;
169 if(ssmax > _smax) _smax = ssmax;
170 }
171 _rmax += ra;
172 _smax += sa;
174 // job.yaml
175 oss << "jobs:" << endl;
176 oss << " - reduce_sectors:" << endl;
177 oss << " reduce: " << endl;
178 oss << " - {r: " << _rmax << ", s: " << _smax << "}" << endl;
179 oss << " select_integrals: " << endl;
180 oss << " select_mandatory_recursively: " << endl;
181 oss << " - {r: " << _rmax << ", s: " << _smax;
182 if(dmax>0) oss << ", d: " << dmax;
183 oss << "}" << endl;
184 oss << " run_initiate: true" << endl;
185 oss << " run_triangular: true" << endl;
186 oss << " run_back_substitution: true" << endl;
187 if(PIntegral.nops()>0) {
188 ostringstream oss2;
189 int nn = PIntegral.nops();
190 for(int i=0; i<nn; i++) oss2 << Fout(PIntegral.op(i)) << endl;
191 ofstream pref_out(job_dir+"/preferred");
192 pref_out << oss2.str() << endl;
193 pref_out.close();
194 oss << " preferred_masters: preferred" << endl;
195 }
196 oss << " - kira2file:" << endl;
197 oss << " target:" << endl;
198 oss << " - [F,integrals]" << endl;
199 ofstream job_out(job_dir+"/job.yaml");
200 job_out << oss.str() << endl;
201 job_out.close();
202 oss.str("");
203 oss.clear();
205 // integrals
206 for(auto integral : Integral) oss << Fout(integral) << endl;
207 ofstream intg_out(job_dir+"/integrals");
208 intg_out << oss.str() << endl;
209 intg_out.close();
210 oss.str("");
211 oss.clear();
212 }
217 void KIRA::Run() {
218 string job_dir = WorkingDir + "/" + to_string(ProblemNumber);
219 ostringstream cmd;
220 cmd << "cd " << job_dir << " && kira " << KArgs << " --silent job.yaml >/dev/null 2>&1";
221 auto rc = system(cmd.str().c_str());
222 }
228 string job_dir = WorkingDir + "/" + to_string(ProblemNumber);
229 ostringstream fn;
230 fn << job_dir << "/results/F/kira_integrals.kira";
231 auto strvec = file2strvec(fn.str());
233 exmap bMAP;
234 for(auto kv : Shift) {
235 Symbol bi("b"+to_string(kv.first-1));
236 bMAP[bi] = kv.second;
237 }
239 ex exL=0, exR=0;
240 map<ex,int,ex_is_less> flags;
241 lst exRs;
242 for(auto intg : Integral) flags[F(ProblemNumber,intg)] = 1;
243 Rules.remove_all();
244 for(auto line : strvec) {
245 if(line.size()==0) {
246 if(!is_zero(exL)) {
247 exR = exR.subs(bMAP);
248 Rules.append(exL==exR);
249 flags[exL] = 0;
250 exRs.append(exR);
251 }
252 exL = exR = 0;
253 } else if(is_zero(exL)) {
254 exL -= Fin(line);
255 if(!exL.match(F(w1,w2))) {
256 cout << line << endl;
257 throw Error("KIRA::Import error found.");
258 }
259 } else {
260 exR += Fin(line);
261 }
262 }
263 if(!is_zero(exL)) {
264 exR = exR.subs(bMAP);
265 Rules.append(exL==exR);
266 flags[exL] = 0;
267 exRs.append(exR);
268 }
269 MIntegral.remove_all();
270 for(auto kv : flags) {
271 if(kv.second!=0) MIntegral.append(kv.first);
272 }
273 exset miset;
274 find(exRs,F(w1,w2),miset);
275 for(auto mi : miset) MIntegral.append(mi);
276 MIntegral.sort();
277 MIntegral.unique();
279 }
IBP header file.
class used to wrap error message
Definition BASIC.h:242
lst Internal
Definition IBP.h:27
lst MIntegral
Definition IBP.h:42
map< int, ex > Shift
Definition IBP.h:36
lst PIntegral
Definition IBP.h:40
lst Replacement
Definition IBP.h:29
lst Cut
Definition IBP.h:32
lst Integral
Definition IBP.h:31
lst External
Definition IBP.h:28
lst Propagator
Definition IBP.h:30
int ProblemNumber
Definition IBP.h:39
string WorkingDir
Definition IBP.h:38
lst Rules
Definition IBP.h:43
void Export() override
Export input data for KIRA.
Definition KIRA.cpp:39
int dmax
Definition IBP.h:97
void Import() override
import kira result
Definition KIRA.cpp:227
void Run() override
invoke kira program for reduction
Definition KIRA.cpp:217
static string KArgs
Definition IBP.h:93
int sa
Definition IBP.h:96
int ra
Definition IBP.h:95
class extended to GiNaC symbol class, represent a positive symbol
Definition BASIC.h:113
HepLib namespace.
Definition BASIC.cpp:17
lst gather_symbols(const ex &e)
get all symbols from input expression
Definition BASIC.cpp:539
bool has_w(const ex &e)
Definition BASIC.cpp:2233
ex str2ex(const string &expr, symtab stab)
convert string to ex expression, using Parser internally
Definition BASIC.cpp:670
ex w
Definition Init.cpp:93
vector< string > file2strvec(string filename, bool skip_empty)
read file content to string vector
Definition BASIC.cpp:809
void string_replace_all(string &str, const string &from, const string &to)
string ex2str(const ex &expr)
convert ex to output string, the defalut printer format will be used
Definition BASIC.cpp:715
bool dir_exists(string dir)
Definition BASIC.h:297
ex w1
Definition BASIC.h:499
ex w2
Definition BASIC.h:499
int ex2int(ex num)
ex to integer
Definition BASIC.cpp:893
ex subs(const ex &e, init_list sl)
Definition BASIC.h:51