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Static Public Member Functions | Static Public Attributes | List of all members
HepLib::QGRAF::Models Class Reference

#include <QGRAF.h>

Static Public Member Functions

static ex FeynRulesSM (const ex &amp, const ex &xi=1)
static lst FeynRulesSM (const lst &amps, const ex &xi=1)
static ex FeynRulesQCD (const ex &amp, const ex &xi=1)
static lst FeynRulesQCD (const lst &amps, const ex &xi=1)

Static Public Attributes

static string GluonFF
static string QuarkFF
static string SM
static string QCD

Detailed Description

Definition at line 158 of file QGRAF.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ FeynRulesQCD() [1/2]

ex HepLib::QGRAF::Models::FeynRulesQCD ( const ex &  amp,
const ex &  xi = 1 

Definition at line 1222 of file QGRAF.cpp.

◆ FeynRulesQCD() [2/2]

lst HepLib::QGRAF::Models::FeynRulesQCD ( const lst &  amps,
const ex &  xi = 1 

Definition at line 1217 of file QGRAF.cpp.

◆ FeynRulesSM() [1/2]

ex HepLib::QGRAF::Models::FeynRulesSM ( const ex &  amp,
const ex &  xi = 1 

Definition at line 758 of file QGRAF.cpp.

◆ FeynRulesSM() [2/2]

lst HepLib::QGRAF::Models::FeynRulesSM ( const lst &  amps,
const ex &  xi = 1 

Definition at line 753 of file QGRAF.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

◆ GluonFF

std::string HepLib::QGRAF::Models::GluonFF
Initial value:
= R"EOF(
[ model = 'Gluon FF Model' ]
[q, qbar, -]
[Q, Qbar, -]
[gh, ghbar, -]
[g, g, +, notadpole]
[e, e, +, external]
[n, nbar, +]
[qbar, q, g; QCD='+1']
[Qbar, Q, g; QCD='+1']
[g, g, g, g; QCD='+2']
[g, g, g; QCD='+1']
[ghbar, gh, g; QCD='+1']
[nbar, n, g; QCD='+1']
[nbar, e, g; QCD='+0']
%[n, e, g; QCD='+0']

Definition at line 160 of file QGRAF.h.


std::string HepLib::QGRAF::Models::QCD
Initial value:
= R"EOF(
[ model = 'qcd Model' ]
% Propagators
% quark
[q, qbar, -]
[Q, Qbar, -]
% gluon and its ghost:
[gh, ghbar, -]
[g, g, +, notadpole]
% external photon
[A, A, +, external]
% Vertices
[qbar, q, g; QCD='+1']
[Qbar, Q, g; QCD='+1']
[g, g, g, g; QCD='+2']
[g, g, g; QCD='+1']
[ghbar, gh, g; QCD='+1']
% external
[qbar, q, A; QCD='+0']
[Qbar, Q, A; QCD='+0']

Definition at line 163 of file QGRAF.h.

◆ QuarkFF

std::string HepLib::QGRAF::Models::QuarkFF
Initial value:
= R"EOF(
[ model = 'Quark FF Model' ]
[q, qbar, -]
[Q, Qbar, -]
[e, ebar, -, external]
[gh, ghbar, -]
[g, g, +, notadpole]
[n, nbar, +]
[qbar, q, g; QCD='+1']
[Qbar, Q, g; QCD='+1']
[g, g, g, g; QCD='+2']
[g, g, g; QCD='+1']
[ghbar, gh, g; QCD='+1']
[nbar, n, g; QCD='+1']
[qbar, e, nbar; QCD='0']
[ebar, q, nbar; QCD='0']
[Qbar, e, nbar; QCD='0']
[ebar, Q, nbar; QCD='0']

Definition at line 161 of file QGRAF.h.

◆ SM

std::string HepLib::QGRAF::Models::SM

Definition at line 162 of file QGRAF.h.

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