
HepLib is a C++ library for computations in High Energy Physics with the help of GiNaC language which is a C++ library used to perform symbolic computations.

HepLib combines several well-known packages to get high efficiency, including

  • Fermat to perform multivariate polynomial simplification, matrix operators, ...
  • FORM to perform Dirac and Color matrix related computations, polynomial factorization, ...
  • Qgraf to generate the Feynman aptitudes/diagrams.
  • FIRE or KIRA for the IBP reduction.

Another core feature of HepLib is the numerical evaluation of Master Integrals using Sector Decomposition with a customizable numerical integrator including the arbitrary precision supported by MPFR.

Reference: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2021.107982

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